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Chapter 14

Sophia POV 

     I couldn't believe he didn't believe me. It was true no one could love me. 

I was nobody. 

He could never love someone with a disturbing past. I was nothing, just a pawn. My insecurities were really surfacing. The memories, I wanted to forget. I didn't want to believe it but...

He never gave me a choice, except to accept that I was no one. 

I sat at the fountain crying when I heard my phone rang, "Assalamualaikum. Who is this?" I hushed out and looked at the screen, seeing it was an unknown number.

"How are you, Sophy babe?" I heard Zainab's voice on the other side of the phone. 

The nerve of her! 

How dare she!. 

"What do you want?" I growled. This woman was really getting on my nerves. I felt like smashing her head on a surface but I shook the bad thought away. 

"Not so soon, baby girl. Can't you see? What did I tell you-he can never love or believe you. He will always choose me over you. You are a pathetic excuse for a wife," she seethed out.

"And don't you see? He didn't run after you like how a husband is supposed to. But no, he stood by me, held my cheek, felt it up for me and soothed me. Well, what I want to tell you is that you should leave him for me. He is mine," she snarled and hung up while I yelled out in frustration. I tugged my hair furiously, I could feel the pain in my scalp but the pain in my heart was greater. 

Another stream of tears started again. It was true. He did not love me and I believed that. I was nobody; nobody loved me.

I was all alone. He didn't even run after me. Another waved of anger and jealousy hit me and I threw the phone away and the screen broke into pieces. 

I walked home at night and as soon as I entered the house, "Wifey, where are you coming from?" he rasped out, "I've been searching for you everywhere". 

"From the garden," my voice broke as it had become hoarse from crying so much.

"It is not that I don't believe you, it's just that..." he trailed off while scratching his head apologetically. 

"Please, Yusuf. I'm not in the mood. I'm tired." I said dismissively. 

"I'm sorry."he said remorsefully.

"Please don't tell me you are sorry. Always saying sorry but you are not. You never respected me as a wife. Even today, you believe her over me. Spouses are supposed to be each other's rocks; stay and stand by each other. Did you know what she said to me? Did you know she was the one that slapped me? There is still a mark on my cheek if you still trust her over me," I yelled angrily as I showed him my cheek and walked out.

"but..." I interrupted him. 

"I don't hate you sincerely but I hate myself for falling in love with you. I'm the fool" I walked out. 


Some months had  passed after the incident and we had moved on forgetting about the past. We started sharing the same room, hugging, touching but that didn't stop our fight or argument about Zainab, that devilish witch.

"Who is the heck that calls someone at 3:00am in the middle of the night? This better be important or else," Yusuf  grumbled out and picked the call, I raised my head from his chest while caressing his lovely beard.

"Hello..." he sat up straight, distangled his legs from mine. 

"What happened? Who, when?... Today?! Okay... Stop crying... Shush... It's okay. I'm coming now... let me get my car keys," he stood up abruptly and hung up the call, taking his jalabiya from the nightstand. 

"Oko mi*, what happened? Who was that?" I asked softly. (my husband). 

"It's Zainab" I mentally groaned, what was the color of her problem. "She called to tell me that her husband has been arrested by the police, I'm going to her place now," he said urgently.

I rushed after him. "Wait where are you going?" I asked.

"I'm going to her place," he looked at me, trying to read my masked emotions. 

"Let's go together," I said and went to take my hijab and get dressed but he stopped me, shaking his hand.

"Sweetheart, you stay at home. Let me go," he patted my head adorably. 

"Okay darling, please take care. Call me as soon as you get there and be careful."

'Bye, make sure you lock the doors and windows. Love you," he pecked my forehead slowly, smiled at me and went out.

Zainab, I hated her. I didn't know what I could do again. She was a devil in disguise. Could she find another person to call?. I huffed in anger. 

I knew that my husband loved me but with her my insecurities were getting worse. And her husband too was creepy, all what he did when they visited was for him to blatantly stare at me without blinking or try to touch me. I even talked to Yusuf but he dismissed it, saying it was just that I was paranoid. 

As I walked down to the kitchen to drink a glass of water to clear my head. I couldn't even get back to sleep when I knew my husband was out there in the cold. I was worried sick. I cracked my fingers in anticipation. 

About to turn around, I felt a sharp pain at the side of my neck. Ow! What was that? I hissed out touching my neck. What? My fingers felt against something as I backed up in confusion only to stumble into something or someone! I yelped, turning around to look but they were quick to restrain and muffled me.

They hit my head with the counter as I immediately felt liquid gushing out from there.


Panic fired through me as I wriggled against them trying to put up a fight but I felt weak slowly, I leaned into their hold.

I'd been kidnapped!

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