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Chapter 13

Sophia POV 

"My ex." The word resonated round the defending silence of the house. I couldn't believe what I was hearing.

Was he cheating behind my back?

Why did she come back?

Was he going to leave me for her?.

Millions of unanswered questions swam in my head.

When he noticed my unresponsive self he continued,"But it is not what you're thinking, wifey," he rambled quickly.

My nose flared up. Lying again, how dare he!.

"Then explain to me, what is it?" I said calmly, trying to calm the rate of my beating heart.

"After I was through with the client, she came crying; telling me about her dead father and I was just comforting her, that's all. I swear to Allah, there's nothing between us. Everything was over between us since last year," he defended looking sad.

I was over boiled. I swore if I was a cartoon,  hot steam would have been trying to escape from my ears. "Your ex?! Can you hear what you are saying, your ex came to you?" I poked his chest angrily.

"You of all people? Didn't she have any friends? Anyone but You?! Wait tell me, are you a person who goes around comforting every person who comes to you? No. A Samaritan?" I said angrily. He looked like he wanted to talk but I was hearing nothing.

"Let me finish. Don't you dare interrupt me" I warned, pointing my index finger at him. "How would you feel if one day, when you came home from work and saw me hugging another man? And not just any other man but my ex?!" I screamed. "Telling you I was comforting him" I said sweetly with mockery.

I saw him clenching his fists with jealousy.

The nerve of him to be jealous!

"Tell me, how would you feel?" I said with a stream of tears. How I wished it could be raining so that I could pour all my heart out.

"I'm sorry darling, forgive and pardon me," he begged.

"No," I replied. 

"Please honey. I'm sorry" he said softly, holding my cold hands in between his warm hands while I jerked my hands away from his and folded it then turned to stare at the wall.

"Darling, this young man is wronged. Please kindly find a place in your heart to forgive him" he said softly while caressing my hand.

"Do you still want her?" I asked softly. I needed to know if he still loved her or might have a chance with her. I braced myself for the rejection to tell me he was in love with her.

"No" his voice void of any emotion. "I don't love her,you are the only one for me. You've captured my heart, senses, eyes since the moment I saw you" he said with adoration. And I smiled,I smiled widely and hugged him then clung him round his neck, wrapping my legs around his waist securely to prevent me from falling.

"I'm sorry for screaming and doubting you" I mumbled at the crook of his neck.

"Issokay to protect what you have," he said, playful.

"What?" I teased.

"Me" he pointed to himself, "your sexy handsome husband" he wiggled his brows.

"Whatever" I muttered while waving my hands dismissively.

"Chocolate" he said.

My eyes lit up,"chocolate " I screamed happily.

"With..." My eyes twinkled with mischief, "movies" I beamed.

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