He reached into his pockets, pulling out the scarf from prior, neatly folded to fit. The assassin gave a chuckle, and then wrapped it around his neck as a reminder of who he was fighting for...



Hit laughed as his little sister quickly felt an ice pack get dropped onto her face, forcing her to sit up from her position under a tree and curl up into a ball.

"Hit!" She whined, "Th-That was cold! Why'd you do that?"

Her brother flicked her forehead, causing her to growl in response,"To get you up, of course! Mom wants us back for dinner in a few minutes so get your butt moving, Strika."

"Alright, alright." She quickly sat up, her scowl swiftly turning into a cheerful smile, "Can't wait to taste Mom's food! Oh, you think Dad'll let us go hunting with him again?"

"If you can stop scaring away the animals."

"H-Hey!" Strika pouted, playfully punching Hit's shoulder despite being shorter than him, "Stop teasing me!!"

Hit laughed, something he wouldn't do much of in the future, "Sorry, Sis, it's just so easy to get under your skin."


Strika peered through a door that was slightly ajar, and noticed her brother sitting on the bed, staring out the old window and watching the snow fall down outside. He had a distant look on his face, and his red eyes lacked the colour or shine they once had.

Being the good sister that she was, Strika entered the room, giving an air of elation and positivity. She sat on the bed with Hit, looking at him in curiosity.

"Hit?" She called out, but had no response, "Everyone's wondering where you are. The Christmas party's about to start!"

"What's the point?" Hit asked with pessimism, "Mom and Dad aren't here to share it with us, and they never will."

At that, Strika looked down in sadness. Their parents had perished in a house fire, leaving them as the only survivors. They had lived in the orphanage for a year now, and while the people here were nice and caring, they missed the old life they had, especially Hit. While she was only 14 when they died, Hit was 17, so he knew them much longer than she had.

"C'mon Hit..." Strika leaned on Hit's shoulder, "Mom and Dad wouldn't want us to be sad! They'd want us to be happy! Especially on Christmas!"

She forced Hit to look at her, giving him a look mixed with determination and cheer, "Now c'mon, where's that smile I love so much?"

Wanting to appease her sister, Hit gave her a small and somewhat forced smile, which managed to make him feel a little better. Strika grinned back and hugged her brother, causing him to yelp slightly at the sudden contact.

Strika managed to speak despite her face being buried in her brother's neck, "I promise, I'll always be with you Hit... no matter what happens."

Soon, Hit couldn't help but give a weak and emotionless chuckle, holding onto her sister like she would be the last thing he would be able to touch.

"Heh... thanks Strika."

Little did he know that over 30 years later... he wouldn't be able to embrace her for a long time.


"Take me instead!" Strika yelled, bloodied and bruised from trying to escape the hooded man in front of them, being helped up by Hit. They had been running for hours, and tried to fight back, but they couldn't last, even with the Time-Skip that their father had taught them. Eventually, they were caught in an alleyway by a man in a black hood that had intricate gold detailing, alongside two bodyguards hidden in the shadow.

Strika practically pleaded with the man, "I-I know our father has done... terrible things to you in his secretive past, but if one of us must be taken to repay the debt he owes you, then let me be the one to do it!"

"S-Strika... no!" Hit coughed out, sustaining more injuries than his sister did, "I won't let you be that bastard's slave!"

"So... you wanna be the one to work for us?" The man asked, his voice rugged and filled with artifice, "I admire your bravery, kid. Too bad your brother ain't so lionhearted."

Strika looked at her brother for a brief moment, woe etched upon her features, before looking back at the man with a stern look, "As long as you don't hurt my brother... I'll go with you."

He smirked, closing his eyes as he looked away, "Tch... alright then, we have a deal."

Hit could only watch as his sister slipped out of his arms and walked forward. Despite his weakness, he managed to grab Strika's arm, staring at her with pleading eyes. No words were said, but his expression said it all.

"I'm so sorry, Hit... I guess I can't keep the promise I made in the orphanage." Strika removed her scarf from her neck, and wrapped it around Hit's, looking at him with red eyes filled with tears.

"Strika..." Hit looked stern, "I promise, I'll get you out of there, whatever it takes!"

She smiled, then turned to face the man who would be her boss before trudging towards them with eyes downcast.

The man placed a hand on Strika's shoulder, before turning to face Hit, "You're a Time-Skip user, ain't 'cha? Tell you what, I'm feeling generous, and I'll give her back to you when you do something in return."

Hit's eyes looked at him with hope. He really did have a chance to save her!

"I hear assassins are pretty popular nowadays, and with that Time-Skip of yours that shouldn't be a problem. Since you guys have extended life spans... eh, take on two billion contracts, make yourself known to the universe, and then we can talk. I know I ain't gonna be around to see ya in the next 300 years, so I'll tell my grandson to keep that promise. I'm a man of my word after all."

The hope in Hit's eyes quickly faded as he realised what he had to do. Take on two billion contracts? That... seemed too much, even for him. He wasn't an assassin, although his father was when he was alive - granted, he had no idea he was one until he found out through unconventional means what he did for a living - and he knew the basics of assassination thanks to him.

"Alright then... see ya, kid. Though, this may be the last time we see each other. Hope you make a name for yourself."

Hit watched with a heartbroken expression as they began to fade from view, with Strika looking back at him with a sorrowful look on her face and leaving Hit to cry in the alleyway all by himself.


Hit opened his eyes as he remembered those feelings. Guilt. Anguish. Sorrow. Regret. He held onto them for a long time, knowing that one day he'd be able to bring his sister back. He had tried many times to get her back through force, but even he was susceptible to the power of ki-nullifiers, forcing him to be unable to use Time-Skip.

He promised himself that he would get her back, and he would, no matter what.

Hit soon smirked, his hands returning into his pockets as he faced the being, "So... care to tell me your name? I don't like working with nameless clients."

"Is that so?" The being looked at him curiously, "Very well then..."

"...call me Fuhai, your shadowy partner-in-crime."

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