Neither of the two girls knew if her words where truthful.


Due to the word of the Yule Ball spreading around the students of the three schools faster than the plague, boys wandered the halls anxiously whilst girls giggled in the corners with their friends - pointing and laughing at a select few students.

Neveah rolled her eyes, angrily muttering about how stupid the whole ordeal was, as her and Raven (who had most of her weight on the blonde's arm) passed through the Hogwarts courtyard on their break before charms class began, "Absolutely ridiculous," Neveah muttered, shoving through a group of giggling girls, "Pathetic."

Raven snorted, hobbling behind her, "Stop being such a sour face," She laughed, dragging the girl from behind to slow her down, "You're just mad that Elliot asked that Ravenclaw girl in the year below, rather than you."

Neveah huffed, holding her head up high, "For your information, I couldn't care less who Elliot goes to the ball with; I had no expectations."

Raven snorted, stumbling over a bit and grabbing onto Neveahs arm tighter to steady herself, "Then stop watching him, and loosen your grip on my arm." Raven hissed, using her hand to pry away the death-like grip her friend had on her arm.

"Who are you going with, then?" Neveah asked once she apologized and healed her friends arm, with a spell Raven wasn't familiar with.

Raven shrugged, pulling her sleeves over her hands as she licked her lips, "Nobody, I don't think."

Neveah furrowed her brows, "Why not?"

"It's not exactly like I can dance," She said chuckling slightly, even though she knew it was obvious it was fake, "Karkaroff said I have to go; so I'll probably just stay for a bit then leave. No point in having a date if I'm just going to be miserable for the whole time."

Neveah hummed, looking at her friend with curiosity, "Have you opened the egg yet?"

Raven shook her head, "No." She admitted honestly, "I'll probably have a look at it after Christmas."

"Raven!" The girl in question spun around, her eyes landing on Hermione Granger who sat alongside the edge of the fountain in the middle of the courtyard. Raven smiled and began hobbling over, "How are you?" Hermione asked as the two approached, closing the book on her lap.

She shrugged, using her sleeves to cover her hands, "I'm sick of all these people talking about this bloody ball," She spoke truthfully, "How're you, you're not brainwashed by the news of the ball are you?"

Hermione blushed, looking down and fiddling with her hands in her lap, "No....but - well, someone asked me; and I said yes."

Neveah rolled her eyes muttering a "Great." under her breath, glaring at Harry and Ron as they approached their friend, and sat down on the stone wall beside her, both boys withdrew slightly in shock and confusion.

Hermione threw the girl a questioning glance as Raven elbowed her in the ribs, "Neveah's feeling a bit sour today." She snorted, whacking the girl's arm as she elbowed her back, "She found out the boy who she sits next to in Transfiguration has asked someone else to the dance."

Neveah scoffed, "I'm not sour." Raven raised an eyebrow, looking at her friend in disbelief.

"Yeah, okay then," Raven said rolling her eyes playfully.

"Hey, Raven." Ron said, sitting up straighter and smirking at Harry, "Do you want to go to the ball with me?" Both boys did what they thought was a discrete fist-bump.

Hermione snorted, flipping her book back open and burying her nose back into it, "Ron, don't take it personally," Raven said carefully, "But I'm not going with anyone." Ron's posture deflated, as he groaned in defeat, "I'm sure there are lots of people that will be willing to go with you."

Ron muttered what seemed to be an agreement under his breath, "Maybe I will have to go with Eloise Midgen." Harry seemed to find this funny and snorted.

"We should go," Neveah said, cutting over Hermione who was lecturing the two boys about how nice she greatly was, whilst checking the time on her watch, "We have charms, it's on the third floor, I don't look forward to helping get you up all those steps." Neveah shuddered slightly.

Raven sighed readjusting her bag on her shoulder, "Yeah, let's go then."

The walk up to the charms classroom was slow, and although they had set off five minutes earlier than they needed to; they found themselves one of the last in the classroom, and only just reaching their seats before the bell rang.

Because of the news of the Yule Ball, all student's fourth year upwards were buzzing with excitement; this left the poor, tiny professor no chance to teach the excited class, and instead set them a task to practice the colour-changing charm on themselves.

This left the class to chatter excitedly, Neveah, who sat beside Raven, groaned banging her head on the table, "If I hear her mention, one more time, about how she is going with bloody Cedric Diggory I'll use the charm on her and turn her into a blumming Oompa Loompa." Cho Chang, who sat behind the girl, paused her conversation about how Cedric asked her to the ball, and looked at the girl in shock, before covering her hair with her hands, and lowed ger voice significantly.

Malia, who sat on Raven's other side, chuckled, using her wand to turn one of her eyebrows ginger. The three faintly heard Professor Flitwick congratulate her before a handsome boy who sat on the row in front turned around to face the three.

The boy smirked a devilish smile, his eyes zoning in on Neveah - who sat up slightly straighter, after noticing his gaze was focused on her, "Do you want to go to the ball with me?" He asked, charmingly running a hand through his hair.

"And what do they call you?" Neveah asked smugly.

The boy smirked holding out a hand, "Nathan," He said, "Nathan Parker."

Neveah smirked back, grasping his hand, "Well, Nathan, you just got yourself the best date you could to this shitty ball."

Nathan smirked charmingly, before turning to Malia and sticking his tongue out, "And you said she'd say no."

Malia growled slightly, now having a platinum blonde eyebrow to match her ginger, "Bite me."


Began Writing 11/08/20 23:30
Published 15/08/20 13:46

I absolutely love Malia, and I shouldn't cause when I love a character I tend to kill them off. Sorry not sorry.

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