The Discovery of Self

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"You claim that your entire raison d'etre is to protect Sabrina." Zelda's pointed comment was accentuated by the swirl of her cigarette, smoke swirling above her head, as she frowned deeply at the raven-haired witch in front of her. It was difficult to focus on her niece when those piercing blue eyes were looking her way.

Ever since she'd met Lilith, disguised as Mary Wardwell, Zelda had been haunted by those brilliant blues, the curve of her neck, her sharp cheekbones, and the way she walked into (and out of) a room. Flustered, the High Priestess took a long drag of her cigarette, trying to make out what Lilith was saying; "Well it is and I shall be with her, of course, and at the first sign of danger I'll spirit her away."

Shifting in her seat, Zelda's knee pressed against Madame Satan's thigh and it was all too much

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Shifting in her seat, Zelda's knee pressed against Madame Satan's thigh and it was all too much. She jumped up from the couch, ashing her cigarette, and crossed her arms; "No. I won't allow it. I forbid it!" 

Barely registering the rest of the bickering regarding the exorcism, Zelda blinked as she realized everyone was exiting the room; "Wait."

Lilith stopped before leaving the room, watching Aunt Hilda and Sabrina go on, then turned slowly to face Zelda. Zelda motioned back to the couch with an apologetic look on the face; "Please allow me to apologize...."

Madame Satan sauntered back to the couch and sat down slowly, cocking her head as she trailed her gaze from Zelda's navy stilettos, up her lily white legs, over the curve of her hips, a quick breath at her chest, up the slender curve of her neck where pieces of auburn hair fell, lingered on her red mouth, then finally to her green eyes. Zelda shuddered with the power of that slow, deliberate once over. With a flick of her fingers, the door slammed shut, and she dropped her cigarette into the ashtray.

Lilith reached out, taking Zelda's hand after she dropped the cigarette and pulling her down onto the couch, between her thighs. Blushing furiously as Lilith's legs curled around her hips, Zelda hesitated; "....I'm sorry I doubted you, I'm sure you'll be just the support Sabrina needs and I...". She never finished that sentence because Lilith grabbed the back of her head and pulled her down to her mouth. Zelda groaned into the kiss and deepened it by slipping her tongue between Madame Satan's lips - it had been such a long time since she'd felt a woman's touch...


Zelda was studying scrying at the Academy for Unseen Arts when she first realized she found women as interesting and appealing as men. She was seventeen, struggling with her crystal ball and frowning so deeply in concentration she didn't even notice when Allegra Circe walked over to her; it wasn't until the young witch's hand landed on Zelda's shoulder that she spun around.

"Crystal balls never work for me either," said the luminescent witch, her white-gold curls kissing along her cheeks and falling around her shoulders like a halo of light. "You could try water or a mirror. Do you want me to show you?"

 Do you want me to show you?"

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The Discovery of Self: Zelda Spellman's Coming Out StoryWhere stories live. Discover now