5- Luke

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After Ashton left, I sat at the edge of the stage, watching as Luke fiddled with his guitar and placed it back into the large leather case. I noticed how he hummed as he worked, his brows furrowing as he ran back over riffs until satisfied. The bar was empty now besides Cal and us, the smooth cadences of his voice filling the comfortable silence.

"Okay, if you could just help me carry my sound equipment out back that would be great. Then we're all set to go,"

He turned to face me, pulling his jacket on and placing the strap of the guitar case over his shoulder carefully.

"Of course, just point me in the direction you need,"

I stood up from where I had been perched, grateful to be able to help as I didn't want to seem as though I was hanging around aimlessly. He passed me an amp, steadying it as it landed in my arms. I couldn't help but notice the surprisingly soft touch of his calloused hands as they brushed against my own. It felt strange, something so simple as the brush of his hand made me feel as though I was betraying something inside myself, the simple intimacy tainted with a kind of guilt.

He stepped down from the stage, gesturing for me to follow him to a dark mahogany door at the side of the room. I walked behind him, observing my surroundings at closer range. Small paper coasters, the metallic enamel wearing off of the stalls, chips in the wooden floor.

My mind wandered back to Ash, hoping he hadn't been disappointed with the evening and that we could still spend nights in my apartment drinking tea and sharing stories. I wondered if he was at home, what he was doing.

"Just here is fine, thank you,"

I was snapped out of my thoughts by Luke's raspy voice, all thoughts of Ashton dissolving gently as he ran a hand through his hair, smiling in appreciation.

"No problem,"

I smiled back, a genuine smile for the first time all night. It felt good, although the atmosphere between us remained tinged with unfamiliarity. I wondered why Luke had offered to take me home instead of Ashton, tonight being our first meeting.

"It's only a short walk from here, let's get you home, hey?" he stepped towards another door, the cold night air rushing in as he opened it gently, hitting the light switch and engulfing us in a soft darkness, the haze of the streetlights illuminating his face.

I nodded appreciatively, pulling my own jacket closer against my body as we stepped outside.

"Luke?" I looked up at the musician as we walked, the space between us closing ever so slightly.


"Thanks for doing this, I didn't really want to leave earlier," I was sure he already knew this, but it felt only right to try and make conversation.

A light smile tugged at his lips as he chuckled lightly.

"Yeah, I got that impression,"

I blushed a little, worried that I had offended Ashton.

"Oh, right. Sorry. It's just that when Ash invited me out, I didn't expect to be back in bed by 10,"

I wasn't sure why I said that. I felt bad for Ashton, really. I wasn't sure what I was supposed to have said either, whether I should have said anything at all. I played with the hem of my jacket, looking down at the pavement.

"So," I felt Luke's elbow gently meet my side, looking up to see him grinning down at me.

"When do I get to hear this piano playing of yours?," he continued.

I chewed my lip shyly, looking away.

"I don't know, Ashton was really just being polite,"

"I've known Ash for years, he doesn't do polite,"

I found this hard to believe, granted I had only spent three evenings with him.

"I don't know," I laughed, hoping that I wouldn't seem cold in my reluctance.

"I have a piano, you know?"

He seemed surprisingly insistent, my stomach flipping just a little at the thought. I wished now that I had drunk something at the bar in order to steady my nerves.


"Maybe you could come and play sometime? No pressure, of course,"

I nodded slightly, relieved that the subject seemed to be coming to an end as we approached the apartment block.

Turning to face Luke, I smiled. "Thank you again, for walking me home too. You didn't have to do that,"

I took in his features for a moment, streetlamp behind him glowing in a warm orange halo. His eyes were soft, shadows of the evening reflecting in the cool blue, his skin gently lit. His hair fell naturally across his forehead a little, golden curls dancing in the breeze. I tried to ignore his attractiveness, knowing that this wasn't part of my plan, yet he looked undeniably handsome as the silence between us stretched comfortably.

He cleared his throat, smiling softly. "Anytime,"

I stood there for a moment longer, taking in the atmosphere. It had been so long since I'd felt like this.

"Will you be okay?"  he broke the silence.

"Walking to my room, you mean?" I giggled, raising an eyebrow.

He laughed too, a real laugh for the first time all night. It was as tuneful as I would have imagined, slipping elegantly from his lips.

"I'll be fine, thank you"

"Of course,"

"Well, I guess this is goodnight then?"

Luke nodded.

"Goodnight, Daisy,"

I turned and opened the door slightly, pausing one last time.

"Goodnight, Luke."

Great Escape - Luke Hemmings AU (IN PROGRESS) Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum