Was that a good sign?

'Did you let yourself get to know any of the other boys?' She then asks and I take a breath. 'They're all really lovely boys, and they'd make great additions to the villa, but my heart was definitely elsewhere.' I finish, seeing Luke M's face drop in my peripheral.


'You were coupled up with Callum, before he left for Casa Amor. Do you think he has stayed loyal to you?' I take a deep breath, I probably looked like an idiot.

'Umm, I think the few days before he left we were starting to talk more long term and he was saying that I could trust him. So, maybe. But I know boys, and how they work so, I'm not too sure.' I cringe and she nods.

And I don't see Nas, Finn and the Luke's faces all scrunch up in unison.

'Well, it's decision time. Do you want to stick with Callum? Or re-couple with one of the new boys?'

I bite my lip, answering quickly as my tummy does another roll.

'I'd like to stick with Callum.' I smile.

So, so, naively.

'Okay Saoirse. You have chosen to stay loyal to Callum, but has he stayed loyal to you? If Callum does walk in with one of the girls from Casa Amor, you will be single. But if he returns alone, he's all yours.' I rub my sweaty palms together, closing my eyes briefly.

I felt like I was going to throw up.

Everyone turns to the dressing room doors, and I move my hands to my face.

Then I see him.

And I see a blonde girl holding his hand.

I look away immediately, biting my cheek to try and stop my eyes from watering.

'Shut the fuck up.' I hear Paige. 'Oh my fucking god.' And Siannise, who never swears.

I laugh once, not at Siannise.

But at the fact I was stupid enough to believe that he'd actually be alone.

Then it soon turns to anger. And I suck my teeth, moving my hands back down to my side, trying not to scream.

The two of them head down the steps, until they're right in front of me.

I can't look at anyone, I can't even glance at Callum.

I just wanted to curl up in a ball and scream, cry.

I wanted to be anywhere but here.

Standing looking like a fucking idiot.

'Callum. What made you re-couple with Molly?' I finally turn to look at him, staring straight at him.

The lying little shit.

'Umm I went into Casa Amor. I had the chance to speak to Molly, and it brought out a side to me I didn't think I had. Like, the way I felt about her after two or three days just clarified it. Ummm. Not to say anything against Saoirse, like I wasn't unhappy with her. It's just. It's been a sign for me that something was missing. And I think I found it with Molly.' I frown slightly.


'Saoirse. How do you feel?' Laura laughs once, obviously on my side.

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