Story of My Life

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"I don't know, dude. I hope junior year will be different."

Josh turns his head from his desk, where he was writing his latest composition or something like that. "Why?" 

He seems genuinely clueless. Adorable.

"Because last year I asked out Austin to Homecoming... and he said no," I mutter crossing my arms.

Josh laughs. His laugh is clear, like the ringing of a bell. "I forgot you were still salty about that." He turns completely around to face me. "But you shouldn't let that dictate your whole year."

"Josh The Wise speaks again."

"Hardly." He says still staring at me.

It's a quiet night in Josh's house. His father is out again doing "business" and his sister is at her girlfriend's house, so we're alone. All alone...

"As much as I hate to leave.." I drawl, "I think I have to go." Why am I whispering? "First day of school tomorrow and all that..."

Josh stands up from his desk and stretches. His turquoise shirt riding up his belly. I get to see the smallest sliver of brown skin. I blush and stand up as well. 

Josh tilts his head to meet my eyes. "See you tomorrow, darling." 

I roll my eyes; he's been calling me this since high school started. It's all teasing, but my heart starts thumping like drums anyhow. (Maybe I could try to convince Josh to play the drums this year.)

"Come on, Alex."

I nod and follow, him down the hallway, the floors creeping at every step. 

"Your house smells nice. Like... freshly cut grass." I say smirking, standing on the porch. It's chilly for September, and I don't want my toes frozen off. But at the same time, I want to stay with Josh forever. (That's scary, I know.)

"It's my dad." He grumbles. "Something he pays the maid to spray the house with." He explains rolling his eyes, then looks up and smiles at me. The setting afternoon sun painting is brown skin a warm burgundy. Same for his hair. He's so cute. I should kiss him... 

I sigh dreamily. (Please, please don't let him notice.)

Josh cocks his head to the side but doesn't say anything. Thankfully.

"Right. Right! I'll be going then," I bluster, already walking down the path that Josh and I have used to get into each other's houses a thousand times.

I look over my shoulder once to see him wave, then continue walking until I get to my house.

I stand in the doorway of my house, and the smell of spices hits me like a wall. 

Home sweet, Mexican American home.

"Mom I'm home!" I yell throughout the house.

"Kitchen!" My mom shouts back.

"How was your day at work?" I ask while sitting down at the table. I see Rosá's pamphlets for preschool on the table.

"Good. You know, the usual day. What about you, dear?"

"Fine. I just went to Josh's house. Where's Rosá?" I ask, looking around the kitchen.

My mom turns around from where she was making, 'The Famous Gomez Tamales'. "I think she's in her room. That girl will be the death of me."

"Ah," I say narrowing my eyes as she turns back to her pot. There are no in-depth questions from mom today. Normally she asks: "How's it really going, Alex? Did you get over your pathetic crush on your best friend? Are you excited for soccer tryouts?"

"Are you nervous about soccer tryouts?" Mom asks, adding her secret ingredient to the tamales (It's spit.) (Inset gag noises here)

It's better than nothing though. (Story of my life.)

"Um yeah, actually. They're on Tuesday though. But I am really excited!" I say. "You only get to try out for the soccer team every year once."


 I stand up, pushing my chair in. (Mom hates it when everything isn't pristine.)  "I'm going to check on Rosá," I mumble.

I walk down the hallway to my room. I can hear Rosá starting Hurricane Tortilla in her room. 

But I don't care. Not today.

I open the door to my room and walk to the side of the bed. My room looks childish with my red walls, twin bed, navy blue sheets, and posters of my heroes Messi, and Rolando. They're legends. I aspire to be like them someday, but for now, I'm fine being me. Well...

I quickly put on grey sweat pants, a random t-shirt that happens to have Messi's face on it, and climb into bed. I check my phone to see I have no texts and that it's only 9:00, but I want to dream. 

Dream of him.


A/N: Future chapters will be longer, We promise! This was kinda used to set the scene and introduce a few characters. This is the first story we have published on Wattpad so please go easy on me. Thanks for reading, and don't forget to comment and vote!

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