The Usual Suspects

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A policewoman enters the interrogation room, where Sam and Sarah are pacing  by the window and she places two coffee cup on the table and Ballard asks "Thought you two might be thirsty." Sam asks "Okay, so you're the good cop. Where's the bad cop?" Ballard says "Oh, he's with your brother."   Sarah asks "Okay and you're holding us why?"  Ballard says "Well, he's being held on suspicion of murder, Sarah  we're not sure yet and the same for you." Sam was surprised when he heard the mention of Murder and he says "Murder?! Ballard says "You sound genuinely surprised, or are you two are that good of an actor?" Sarah asks "Who was he supposed to have murdered?!" Ballard says "We'll get around to that." Sam says "Well, you can't just hold us here without formal charges!" 

Ballard says "Well actually, we can, for forty eight hours, but you being a pre-law student, would know that. I know all about you, Sam." She reads from his file and she says "You're twenty three years old, no job, no home address. Your mother died when you were a baby, your father's whereabouts are unknown. And then there's the case of your brother Dean. Whose demise was, well, just a little bit exaggerated. Feel free to jump in whenever you like." Sam  leans against the wall, folding his arms and she continues "Shy? No problem. I'll keep going. Your family moved around a lot when you were a kid. Despite that, you were a straight-A student. Got into Stanford with a full ride." 

She closes the file and says "Then about a year ago there was a fire in your apartment, One fatality Jessica Moore, your girlfriend and Your big sister  After she died, you both fell off the grid. Left behind everything." Sarah says "We needed some time off, To deal so we're taking a road trip with my best friend and his brother." Ballard asks "How's that going for you both?" Sam says "Great. I mean... we saw the second largest ball of twine in the continental US. Awesome." He pulls a chair up to the table and straddles it, Sarah sits beside him  and Ballard says "We ran Dean's fingerprints through AFIS." Sam simply says "Okay." Ballard says "Got over a dozen possible hits." Sam says "Possible hits. Which makes them worthless." Ballard says "But it makes you wonder. What are we gonna find when we run your prints?" Sam says "Yeah, well." He pounds his fist on the table sarcastically and continues "You be sure to let me know, all right." Pointing at the cup he says "May I?" Ballard says "Please." Sam says "Great."

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