New Chapter of life -BSM

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A/n this one was requested by DaniG2007 Hope you like it


Your pov:

I was in the back of the church getting ready to get Married, I'm nervous, what if he walks out and calls it off? what if he changes his mind? No  Ashton wouldn't do that, He's an amazing guy, the boys trust him, and if they trust him, they're reading to give me away, I shouldn't be stressing out on my wedding day.

As I was bout almost finished someone knocked on the door , my friend Sarah answered it and it was just Jo and Ellen, we talked for a bit and they smiled looking at me.

"You grew into a beautiful lady, your father would be so proud of you, I know the boys are extremely proud of you, their gonna cry when they see you, I made sure everything was perfect out there" 

I nodded and thanked them before asking " Is Ashton still out there?" 

"Yeah of course sweetie, why would you ask such a...... ooohhh okay, darling dont worry, He's a nervous wreck out there waiting for you, he's very excited to marry you, I'm not sure bout how the boys feel bout letting you go, your their sister and they just want the best for you, sure Sam will be a bit easy but not promising anything on the behalf of Dean, he's supper protective of both you and Sam, sure he'll be a dick to Ashton but he doesn't do it to be mean, he does it because he wants to see if he's the type of he says he is, and I don't think he would lie cause we wouldn't be in here today" She laughed softly  so did I and Jo, anyways the makeup artist was doing the last few touches  when someone else knocked, Jo answered and smiled before letting my boys in. 

"I warned you guys  how beautiful she looks" 

I look over to see my idjit brothers in suits , might I say they look really good, they smiled at me as I start to see tears coming from their eyes which started to break my heart 

"Guys, please don't cry, your gonna make me cry you assbutts, you guys look really great"

They smiled at me as they wiped their tears "You look beautiful Abi, sure your getting older and becoming a woman, but no matter what your our princess first, and if he does anything at all, Sammy and I will be over in a heart beat" Dean said and I smiled at him nodding

"I'll always be your baby first De, nobody can take me away from you guys that quick, your seriously really letting me get married? with you being so over protective I thought I would never get married"  Both the boys  chuckled at my statement and nodded 

"Were really proud of you Abi, sure it was never easy growing up but I told Dean that your happiness comes first and even if that means us letting you go to another hunter then we just have to accept it, as long as Ashton makes you happy and keeps you safe that's all that matters to us" 

I nodded smiling and started to hear the church music start, I took a deep breath and looked at the boys " You guys ready to let me go?"

They nodded, the looped both of my arms with their arms, Jo & Ellen carried the back of my dress carefully , I started to walk down the isle with my boys and saw that every angel, hunter, everyone we've ever met was here, even Crowely which is odd since he's the king of hell, they all smiled at me watching, once we reached the podium, I thanked the girls and gave them a quick hug, then I watched as Dean took my hand and turned to Ashton and gave him a serious stern look that could kill.

"Take care of Me and Sam's babygirl, got it?" 

Ashton immeditly nodded "I promise sir" with that Dean nodded and kissed my forhead and gave me a hug, Sam gave me a hug aswell and a kiss on my head too then whispered in my ear 

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