Meeting their girlfriend's -Bsm

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Your pov:

I had just woken up from taking a nap after coming home from finishing a hunt that lasted 4 days straight, I've been so tired as soon as we got home today I immediately took a nap, I decided to go grab a snack for a bit before I had to run out with Dean for dinner, I left my room and headed down to the kitchen, I didnt hear any noises so I figure the guys would be sleeping, they deserve it after busting their ass to get the job done, and if they were sleeping I wouldn't even bother them unless it was a extreme emergency.

Any way I walked to the kitchen and heard some laughter, guys must be up cool, its normally just four of us, Sam, Dean, Cas and I in the bunker but I walked in the kitchen to see the guys up happy and smiling but there was two other girls in the kitchen, not just me.

Sam noticed I came in the kitchen and smiled at me "Hey kiddo, how was your nap?" I smiled softly and nodded as I walked to the fridge grabbing myself a water bottle and sat on the counter staying quiet.

The girl next to Sam was a brunette with green eyes and a nice figure, she seem's nice, if Sam is dating her, I hope he treats her right. He deserves a real relationship along with Dean, the one next to Dean was a blonde with blue eyes but she seems a bit fake with way too many plastic surgeries, but aslong as they treat right I dont have any issues with them.

The blonde girl spoke up as she looked at me with a snarled look but fakes everything looking at the guys acting nice "Umm guys, who is she? Is she a daughter to one of you guys that you havent told us about?"

I just stayed quiet and looked down at my feet, I'm always extremely shy meeting pr being around new people and normally stay close to one of the guys but in this situation, I just stay quiet as Dean spoke up as he chuckled softly

"No, That's y/n, she's our little sister, my baby" I looked up at Dean and smiled softly at his comment as he smiled at me

Sam looked at me "Y/n" I looked over at him "This is Rebecca next to me, and over next to Dean is Page, can you say high to them for us?" , I looked between the girls Rebecca seemed like a nice person who would be good for Sam, Page on the other hand, is a girl version of Dean but more snobby, I didnt say anything, I just waved softly feeling my anxiety work up a little and felt my breathing get a bit heavy but I didnt show it, Rebecca looked at me concerned while Page looked at me as if I had rocks in my head as she spoke "Can she talk? Or is she autistic?"

That stung a bit hearing that as Sam looked at her weird "Yes she can talk. No she's not autistic, she's just shy person when you first meet her, once you really get to know her she's a sweet person"

The girls nodded and Dean spoke up "Baby, wanna go make a run with me to get dinner?" I smiled nodded as I spoke softly "I just wanna change first" Dean nodded and I left the kitchen to change into some more comfy clothes.

As I was finished getting changed I turned to leave my room but suddenly Page was in my door way, I tried going pass her but she blocked my way, I just looked at her as she spoke to me.

"Stay away from Dean, he's mine, I dont care if he's your brother, I'm dating him, and just so you know I will make sure he suffers if you dont stay away from him, plus as months go on, he'll forget bout you, so you might aswell dont get your Hope's up anymore, cause your days with Dean are over"

I felt my heart break a little and I spoke up softly "But Dean's my brother and I need him"

She rolled her eyes "Yeah well Dean told me when I met him he doesn't need you, he thinks your annoying, Sam's his favorite, dont even bother with him, he doesn't want you anywhere near him, oh and before you asked Sam and his girl went to his room" I just nodded and sat down, she smirked and left my room.

I decided to read a book for a little bit before I was interrupt by dean and I quickly sat up and backs away a little, he looked at me confused "Hey baby, you ready to go?"

I bit my lip anxious and shook my head "I-I changed my mind I'm gonna stay home with Sam and Rebecca, I'm not hungry anyway, I'm still tired from the hunt"

"Are you sure?" I just nodded softly "Call me if anything happens okay?" I nodded softly "Promise" he came over and kissed my forhead before he left the room shutting the door.

I think I'll become friends with Rebecca but with Page here its gonna be hell, I just pray she leaves me alone, If these girls make my brothers happy that's all the matters, this year should be interesting with them.

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