The Hunt Begins

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We all know what happens to bad humans when they die, but do you know what happens to bad angels? Angels, who have been cast out of Heaven, walk the earth among us. They drink the souls of the most pure in order to buy themselves more time. Why? Because fallen angels don't go to Hell when they die. No, they go to a place much worse than that. They go into the abyss.
It had been ten years since Louis fell, and he thought he was surviving alright. He had picked up human mannerisms, got himself a job as a bouncer at a nightclub, and picked up a Northern English accent to fit his location. In just ten years, he'd been able to fit in like a regular Doncaster local.
He wasn't just good at finding pure souls, he was the best. He could smell them from miles away, and could pick out a dying soul in a crowd. When he picked up on a scent, that's when the real fun began. He would follow the people, and match what he believed they needed to hear based on their emotions. He liked to think of himself as a siren of sorts. When the people would die, he would be close behind to catch their soul and drink it, treating his illness and satiating his thirst.
When he wasn't drinking souls, he was smoking cigarettes. The nicotine didn't affect him the way it did most humans, but it helped curb his thirst between hunts.
He happened to be lighting one up around 4 pm on an early Autumn afternoon when he realized he wanted cupcakes. This was odd to him because he never craved human food, although the sweets were better than most. He couldn't help but follow the scent as he strolled along the sidewalk, eyes heavy and relaxed while looking out at the sunset, following the crunchy leaves dancing in the wind.
When he reached the scent, it was in a quaint, rundown bakery with barely anyone in it. He took a last drag of his cigarette, stomped it out, and exhaled as he swung the door open. The bakery was quite cute, with a yellow floral theme and lots of doilies and white lace curtains.
To Louis' surprise, the smell wasn't cupcakes at all. It was the young man at the register, currently flashing his dimples at a pregnant lady and cooing at her small daughter. He had the same familiar glow around him that all pure souls did when they were close to their end. Louis almost felt bad for the poor sap. He seemed so young and healthy.
He watched as the boy contemplated for a moment before speaking to the lady again. "You know, we're closing in about twenty minutes, and we have a bunch of goods left over. Maybe you could take them for your shower tomorrow?" The woman beamed and nodded, and Harry snuck the baked goods into a bag and handed it to her with the rest of her things.
Oh, he's pure, Louis thought. He needed to follow him, to be there when he died. It had been a week since his last soul, and he felt ill already. He wasn't sure when it would happen though, so he opted to introduce himself and make nice, just in case.
Louis sauntered up to the counter just as the boy was taking the trays out of the display case. "Hello," he drawled.
"Oh, h-hello sir. Um, we're closing in about fifteen minutes, but if you know what you want, I can surely grab it for you." His eyes were green and his cheeks were flushed. His hair was a mess of curls and his lips were wet and pink and... "Sir?"
Louis snapped out of it. "That won't be necessary, I just thought I'd come up and introduce myself. I'm Louis," he said with a toothy grin, eyes squinting.
"I'm Harry," he stuck his hand out. Harry.
Louis shook it firmly and set his elbow on the counter. "So, are you locking this place up tonight?" He smiled sweetly, the ultimate actor.
"Um, yeah. The baker and his wife usually leave me to clean and lock up on Thursdays," Harry explained, an innocent half smile and a dimple occupying his face.
"Perfect. Why don't we go out then, you and me? Have a bit of fun?"
Harry looked shocked and Louis could see his chest moving up and down as his breath quickened. "Well, I would, but I sort of have something to do after work...and it takes about a half hour for me to clean..."
"Tell me Harry," Louis leaned over the counter and breathed in Harry's scent. Mint and vanilla. "Is whatever you're planning on doing more important than having the time of your life?" Harry just stood there, shaking his head with wide eyes. "Oh good, I can wait outside while you finish cleaning up." And with that, he turned on his heel and lit up another cigarette before he even got out the door.

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