His beady little eyes narrowed at me, his big hands clenching into fists.

"So, are you going to drop me from the program and force my hand, or are you going to be a good boy?" I asked tauntingly, putting my scroll back into my robe for safe keeping.

"I'll kill you," the man spat out.

"Go ahead and try it," I demanded as I held my arms out to the side.

Fugly grit his teeth.

"That's what I thought," I said as I turned my back to the man. "I'm going back to class."

Fugly began to run at me like some kind of overweight linebacker.

I gave a wide smirk as I closed my eyes. I then turned my head to look over my shoulder and opened my eyes just in time to see Fugly drop to the floor like a large sack of bricks. I snickered as Fugly was restrained by an ANBU member whose name I didn't know.

"You set me up!" Fugly yelled angrily.

"No, I didn't. You set yourself up to fall with your sick perversions," I retorted with a wide grin. "I just happened to be the one to report you. Of course, Fumiko's testimony helped getting the evidence needed to put you down."

"You - I'll never forgive you!" The dumbass declared.

"Go ahead! The suffering of people like you soothes me, like a lullaby," I explained with the utmost glee. I then turned around once more, more than happy to skip out of the office and to class 6-A. I stuck my head in, calling out in a sing-song tone of voice, "Fumiko-chan~!"

"Oh, Tenrō! Come here!" The civilian turned shinobi replied as she motioned me over.

I did so, skipping over and sat on her lap, causing her to rest her chin on the top of my head. "The principal's going to be fired!"

"Really?!" The girl next to Fumiko exclaimed in surprise.

I hummed in approval. "He hasn't been upholding the rules properly, so he's going to get sacked."

"Nice," the boy next to Fumiko replied with a grin. "I hated that guy. He has no talent as a shinobi at all."

"Right? Like, how did he ever get selected as the next principal?" I asked.

The three of us snickered as Fumiko's grip on me tightened.

"Thanks for getting him fired," Fumiko said softly. "I... I would have killed him otherwise."

"Thanks for waiting!" I chirped in reply, "It was a fun job, and I learned about how petitions worked."

Fumiko gave a small smile as she slipped something inside of my baggy shirt pocket.

I gave an internal chuckle at the payment. I sat with them and chatted for the rest of lunch about menial subjects. I then dismissed myself and returned to class while clasping the piece of jewelry from Fumiko's family's store.

My sensei was shocked to see me there, but didn't say anything since he obviously knew I would only be there if the principal had backed off.

I rested my head on my desk as I sat through the rest of class until it was dismissal time. I then yeeted myself out of the window and ran back to the Uchiha compound. I rushed inside of my apartment and jumped onto the couch. I grinned at the necklace that I pulled out of my pocket.

It was a chakra necklace, one that worked similarly to the First Hokage's necklace. I put it on under my baggy shirt and gave a small squeal. I had gotten my own chakra necklace, and all I had to do was wait a week to collect evidence!

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