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"Scarier than Voldemort"

June 1996, 5 months later

Of course, with the possibility of death eaters being nearby, the third years and a handful of the fifth years avoided leaving the school grounds even as the weather warmed up. Leslie preferred to stay in the castle anyway and was more than happy with the arrangements the girls made when quidditch season started again.

When the teams weren't practising for the tournament later in the year, Circi and Leslie were permitted to watch practise and cheer Mica on. She was one of two fill-ins for beater and as rumours of the Weasley twins leaving before they finished their N.E.W.T.S she anticipated a promotion very soon. Circi had to admit she was transfixed by the way Mica played and had never been so focussed on a match before.

Leslie was never too interested in the practices considering they had no direct affect on him and spent his time doing homework on the stands beside Circi. And, even though they were all doing their own thing, they were glad to be together.

After practice one day, the girls had a meeting with the DA and struggled to lose Leslie.

Circi, admittedly, felt guilty for leaving him so often. Especially now that he was in a much cheerier state than in the winter months. He often confronted her in the common room about where they went after lunch or at the weekends and she had no choice but to lie to him. Once, she had suggested recruiting him to Carmen and Harry after a meeting but they had been met with a significant amount of protests. He had an 'untrustworthy nature'.

It used to be easy. When he could care less for Hogsmeade they simply used it as an excuse. But deliberate exclusion? She hated it.

"Why do you two keep disappearing?" They halted, shocked that he had somehow managed to cut them off on their route after losing him the first time. He had his bag strap gripped in his hand and was looking expectantly between the two. Every muscle in his face was tight as he tried to mask the hurt. "You keep avoiding me."

"We're not avoiding you." Mica was quick to cut in but stumbled as she searched for the next thing to say. Could she tell him they were part of a club he wasn't invited to? No, it would hurt him more so. "We, um-"

"We're, uh," Circi looked at Mica then down at her feet, unable to look him in the eyes as he adjusted his reading glasses, "being tutored by- by Carmen." Peering over at him, he raised an eyebrow and adjusted his bag.

"You're a terrible liar Circ. If you don't want to be friends with me anymore then fine, but tell me, don't just exclude me." Her heart ached as he said this and she looked to Mica, pleading with her to say something or tell him the truth. Mica, however, had zoned out so Circi tugged on her hand.

"Right. We do want to be your friend, Les, you're our best friend," she looks down at Circi, a smirk growing on her face as she stared deep into her friend's eyes, "but we're more than friends." The surprise on Circi's face and the faint blush made her chuckle as she gripped her hand harder and looked back at Leslie.

He also looked surprised, his mouth agape and staring at their hands.

"You two-" Mica tugged Circi closer and rubbed her fist against her head.

"Yep! We're trying to figure out what we are exactly which is why we've been going away a lot."

"Wha- when?"

"Yeah," Circi hissed in Mica's ear in a low voice, "when?" Her heart was beating in her chest when Mica's brown eyes met hers. Something in them captivated her and suddenly she was buying into the lie. Merlin, that look made her knees weak.

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