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June 1994, 4 months later

Draco was overly excited this morning. Months after the quidditch match, months of correspondents between Lucius Malfoy and his children regarding the violent Hippogriff fondly named Buckbeak and Circi's accidental transfiguration of Leslie into a matchbox, the day of judgement had come and gone and today punishment would be administered.

Circi felt sick as she stewed over her bowl of porridge and honey while Draco showed the most recent letter from their father to Crabbe, Goyle, and Pansy.

Since its arrival a few days ago she hadn't felt quite herself. Their father had managed to twist the ruling into Buckbeak's execution and the thought made her nauseous. It wasn't the creature's fault, it was the teacher. Perhaps if Hagrid's incompetence as a teacher had not been an issue to start with they wouldn't be where they were now.

And she could feel Harry glaring at them across the table.

A bunch of third years have been hellbent on giving her the most evil looks in the corridors. As if her brother's actions are her fault.

After her final class of the day, charms with a group of Gryffindors not including Mica as well as Leslie being in the hospital wing after falling through a window in the courtyard, she felt drained and was suffocating under the stares of the students around her.

Everyone knew what was going on at the game keeper's hut this evening after dinner. She picked at her dinner, feeling empty and full at the same time. She sat between Draco and Isabell, ignoring the irritated glares the two gave each other, and watched the Gryffindors whispering among themselves. She was never one for prejudice, in her opinion, unlike her brother, but she could feel Draco's words influencing her thoughts. They were horrible thoughts but, she liked to comfort herself in thinking this, the Gryffindors must be thinking similar thoughts targeted at her.

Draco, Crabbe, Goyle and Pansy left early. So Circi followed. She trailed along absentmindedly, not paying attention to where they were headed and taking solace solely in their voices- the only voices that have not been mean to her.

She watched the grey stone floor turn into dirt and then grass and finally looked up. Her face fell and she felt the colour rush from her face. Up here, around the rock display alike to the stone henge, was the perfect view of the gamekeeper's hut, and, lying among the pumpkin patch, was the creature Draco had described to her.

She looked at Draco, who pointed to Buckbeak. Crabbe made a snide remark and the four of them laughed.

"Father said I can keep the hippogriff's head." He proudly announced. "I'll donate it to the Gryffindor common room." He nudged Goyle, who shoved him back. "This is going to be rich." He was laughing but we could hear footsteps approaching. Circi turned around before Draco had, shrinking away from the look of pure anger on Hermione's face. Feeling her heart start racing, Circi stumbled back and nudged Draco. Turning around, he smirked and glanced at his cronies. "Look who's here. Come to see the show?" He flourished his arms, sniggering the entire time as he stepped forward.

"You! You foul, loathsome, evil little cockroach!"Hermione ran at him, poising her wand beneath his chin. Feeling her hands trembling even more, Circi stepped out of the semi-circle his posse had formed and felt true terror rise in her chest while Draco's lip trembled and he whined like a baby. She had only ever heard rumours about Hermione Granger but she did not doubt that she could turn Draco into a cockroach and squash him flat.

The thought made her reach for her wand but she could hardly grip it.

The ginger boy, a Weasley, had talked her down. For a moment, they thought Hermione was backing down. She lowered her wand and turned her back to them. Draco gathered himself and laughed, Circi even let out her own relieve chuckle in an attempt to relieve some tension.

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