"So you got a... feeling, earlier? Like something was off?"

"Something's been off for weeks, but I'm... trying not to worry. Seungmin will talk to us when he's ready."

I laugh quietly. "This is a lot. Changbin and Felix are fighting, Haseong's having a mid-life crisis, Chan's malfunctioning, and now Seungmin's hiding something."

"Not to mention the Hyunjin-suppression running rampant among the family."

"Hyunjin, it's been decades, we're tired of Nancy Myers movies."

"Now that's just blatant bias, I think there's a— Jisung?"

Jisung is scuttling toward us from across the field. His hair is wet and flat and his arms are straight at his sides.

"Family assembly — now." He pivots back toward the house.

Hyunjin and I look at each other. He grabs my hand and we tail Jisung back to the house.

Jisung has taken a seat in the living room, Changbin is leaning against the wall. Haseong and Chan come in the back door — Chan's eyes are big and vulnerable. I've known him for 140 years and I've only seen him this obviously upset a handful of times.

"What's going on?" Changbin says, already annoyed.

Haseong stands in the middle of the room, holding his phone out for everyone to see. "Felix, Minho and Seungmin are not going where they said they were. They've crossed the Atlantic and are now nearing the coast of Guinea."

"You're tracking our boyfriend?" I exclaim, though I know it isn't above him. "What the hell are they doing out in the ocean?"

"I don't know." Haseong's eyes rove over us. "But one of you do."

"Haseong, quit playing detective." Jisung is kneading a headache. "We need to focus, why would they be in West Africa?"

"Maybe they just decided to go someplace other than the Triangle?" Hyunjin says dubiously. "Mount Kilimanjaro? The national museum?"

"That would make it a coincidence," Haseong says, "and I highly doubt that. Minho and Felix have been acting strangely for weeks, and now they take a surprise trip to Bermuda, only to make a double-surprise detour across an ocean? Unlikely."

"Seungmin's been acting weird too," I say.

"When did it start?"

"A few weeks ago? Before we visited Forks, for sure."

Haseong considers that and then abruptly turns to Changbin. "Bin, what have you and Felix been fighting about?"

Changbin has been glaring at Chan — now his eyes flit to Haseong, and his upper lip curls back. "That's our business, why would I tell any of you?"

"Summarize it," Jisung says tightly. "Forget your pride for two seconds, nobody cares about your love life."

"Felix lied to me, okay? He told me he wouldn't do something and then he went ahead and did it first chance he got."

"What did Felix do?"

"I won't say."

"Changbin, let me see, I swear I'll—"

"Jisung, stay out of my fucking head. What's happening with me and Felix is unrelated."

"Oh is it?" Chan suddenly speaks up. He's hovering over the couch, staring at Changbin. Changbin stares back, incredulous and... frightened.

"Chan, what is it?" Haseong asks. "What do you know?"

Chan wraps his arms around himself. "I know as much as you do."

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