"red sun"

483 38 28

chapter ten

My hands surge with electricity. I taste venom pooling in my mouth.

I'm about to die.

The guards are moving toward me already. If I have to give up my life, I won't make it easy. I'm going to fight. I'm going to claw and struggle and do as much damage as I can.

I'm going to kill Aro before he can kill me.

And then Jisung's voice comes from behind me.


The crash is deafening. Shards of stained glass rain down around us, shatter against the floor. Vampires and werewolves pour into the room, descending from above.

Chan. Changbin. The Denali coven. The Quileute werewolf pack. The Pointe-Noire coven, the Chongqing coven, a dozen others. The army attack the Volturi guard, bodies fall fast and hard all around me. At once I understand what Felix has been planning all along.

He's carrying on his mother's legacy. He's finishing it.

Aro is disoriented, frantic, watching his palace fall. Our eyes meet.

He thrusts a finger at me and shouts "Get him!"

A guard rushes me, fangs drawn. Hot electricity burns along my skin; I grab him by the shoulders and shock him till he falls to his knees, convulsing, eyes rolled back into his skull.

Someone rams into me from the side, knocks me to the floor. I scramble to electrocute the guard on top of me but it doesn't affect him — why isn't it enough? He growls through gritted teeth as the electricity courses through him. His hands hook under my jaw, pulling my skin tight.

"Jisung!" I cry.

It's half a second before the guard vanishes and the pressure on my neck is gone. I crane back to see Jisung rip the guard's throat out with his teeth. He lets the body fall to the floor and runs back to me, reaching for my hand.

"Get up, get up!"

"Where's Aro?"

Jisung just points. A white speckled wolf, the biggest in the pack, has Aro's neck between her massive fangs. She prowls toward us and spits him out at our feet.

I grab him by his stringy hair and let the electricity surge through me.


I've known Lee Felix for a century. His secrets are mine, our emotions are one and the same. I know the anger in him runs deep. Anger at his mother, at the world, at himself. But most of all, the Volturi. Aro, the one who made him crave a dream that wasn't even his own.

The dream that's now coming true.

When Chan and I, plus Felix's army, descended into the throne room, our only orders were to hit the ground and find someone to kill. My brothers are around me, fighting as hard as I am. Seungmin is a machine, dogged and brutal, and Haseong is holding his own. Chan, Jeongin and Hyunjin fight as a team, protecting each other's backs.

I wish they weren't here. I wish they were safe, somewhere no one could touch them.

I had hoped the same for Felix, for myself. Now that I'm here, bodies lying in our wake, it isn't as difficult as I thought it'd be. To be angry, angry the way Felix is. I tear and claw and snarl and bite, and rage is behind all of it, as if these guards have wronged me.

I didn't realize that Felix's anger had become mine as well.


Just because I can, because it's going so well, I sit atop one of Aro's busts and watch the chaos unfold. The werewolves plow guards down like a hurricane, saliva spraying from their jowls. The vampires fight hard and fast, working in teams of threes and fours, taking pleasure in the kill.


I look up. Minho and Jisung are on the far side of the room, Aro keeled over in front of them. I drop off my perch and walk through the brawl.

"Want to do the honours?" Minho ups the voltage; his arm courses with silvery-blue lightning and Aro hisses in pain.

I squat to face him at eye-level. He looks up at me, frothing at the mouth.

"You know something? It woulda been smart to kill me when you had the chance. Chopwell Park, 1922 — you remember, don't you? Now how's it feel? Thwarted by li'l old me? Your entire life, whoosh, down the toilet — seriously." I yank his head back by his hair. "Tell me how it feels."

He jerks forward, teeth bared and tries to bite me. I put my hands around his throat.

"This is for my mother."

I tear his head off.

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