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chapter eleven

I tear Aro's head off.

He's dead. Just like that.

I wish I could have shown him all I'd done to get here. All the planning, the underground rallies, the bridges burned. I'd spoken to hundreds and hundreds of covens and ended up with only fifteen and the Quileute pack agreeing to join. I'd risked my family's lives, my boyfriend's life, and put them through hell in the process. I resurrected Fei's ghost just so we could watch him fall, so she could have her revenge, even if she wasn't here to see it.

So much work... so much pain... and it's over as soon as his body hits the floor.

My hands are shaking. I pull in a breath. "Guys... did I..."

There's no answer. Minho and Jisung are gone. Maybe I've been standing over the body longer than I thought. The remaining vampires are burning the guards' bodies, the wolves are preening themselves.

Changbin is outside the throne room, sunk to the tiles with his head in his hands. I approach him carefully.

He doesn't look up. "You got what you wanted. How does it feel?"

"It feels... it didn't bring her back."

"You didn't really think it would, did you?"

"I dunno. I thought it might make it hurt less. It's been a hundred years but..."

He looks up at me, not angry, not judgemental. Just a person who cares about me. He knows my pain, he feels it. Maybe he's disappointed too.

I sit on the floor next to him, curling up small.

"Thank you for fighting," I say. "Do you think it was worth it?"

He considers it for a moment. "In time, I'll think so." He rests his head on my shoulder. "Thank you for coming back."




Hyunjin and Jeongin barrel into me, knocking me back onto the floor. I can't even complain or fake an injury — I'm so happy to see them, so relieved they're okay. I wrap my arms around them, kissing them everywhere I can reach.

"My angel, my dove!" Hyunjin's arms are like chains around me. "Are you okay, are you hurt? I was so worried — I missed you so much!"

"You are the worst," Jeongin growls. "I cannot believe you did that to us!"

"Oh yeah, we're mad at you!" Hyunjin reiterates.

"I'm sorry," I say. "I had to protect Felix and Minho. I feel awful for lying to you — for everything."

"As long as you feel awful." Jeongin kisses me firmly like he's giving me a stamp of disapproval. "You're gonna singlehandedly give me a fucking ulcer. Scamper off again and I'll handcuff us together."

"That doesn't sound so bad," I say.

"At least promise not to overthrow any more governments without us," Hyunjin scolds softly.

"In my defence, Felix didn't tell me about that part. But I'm still sorry. I understand if you want to take some time apart to cool off—"

They both grab me and hug me tightly. I smile.

"That's what I thought."


Haseong and I stand, hand in hand, admiring one of Aro's busts. The room reeks of smoke and burning flesh.

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