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Wednesday, Day One:

The New Jersey sky was a gray mass of clouds that day; floating - undisturbed by the world's troubles - across the sun's morning light and, in turn, drowning life below in humidity and discomfort. They shielded the deep blue atmosphere from prying eyes, like a cleverly-spun lie to only the uneducated people of Earth: it wouldn't rain, no, the clouds were of the wrong type - but that wouldn't stop them from forming a deceiving web of overcast skies, that day.

Gerard walked briskly, William on his left hand and his Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles backpack in the other, clutching his car keys between his teeth. He glanced both ways before crossing the street, setting an example for the five-year-old beside him, and tugged a bit on William's small fingers once they'd reached the other side.

"You ready for your first day of kindergarten, Will?" he asked his son, the sound of his voice muffled by the metal that still resided in between his gums.

"Y-yeah, but Daddy I'm- I'm scared."

Gerard looked down into the glossy stare of little William, eyes wide and white around his chocolate-colored irises with nervousness and excitement. He bent down and hugged the boy tightly - backpack still held in his right hand - and, letting his keys fall to the concrete beneath them, kissed William's forehead before pulling back and kneeling at his son's height.

"Hey, hey, hey, Will, don't worry. You'll make heaps of friends, I promise! It's only for a little while, okay? Daddy will be back to pick you up before you know it." Gerard smiled encouragingly, stroking William's white, fleecey hair. His heart swelled, warm with pride, as he straightened up, once again folding his grasp around the small hand belonging to his son.

Thursday, Day Two:

"Dad! Dad! Wake up, it's time to go!" William crowed happily, shaking his father by the shoulders.

"Nargh," Gerard mumbled in return, sitting up slowly and taking in the dizzy image of his child. William was clad in fluorescent green soccer shorts and a Hawaiian-style shirt, only buttoned up half the way. "Settle down," Gerard laughed groggily, pulling William in for a quick one-armed cuddle.

Monday, Day Three:

Gerard pushed the gate to Blue Orchid Kindergarten steadily open, but as he stepped inside the playground, he was immediately pelted with a force to his legs that could only be William.

"Hey there," he said, swiftly picking up his son and burying his face in the crook of the kid's neck, blowing a few raspberries there. William squealed with high-pitched laughter for a few seconds, but he abruptly stopped once he caught sight of his father's head.

"Daddy! What did you do to you hair?" William enquired curiously, eyes searching the bright red expanse of stringy tendrils falling over Gerard's face and trailing down the back of his neck.

Before he could answer, though, Gerard was interrupted by a fucking giggle, emanating from what seemed to be a fully grown man.

"William, let him breathe," the man joked, waving his pointer finger around and flicking his shoulder-length black hair over his shoulder. "Why don't you come over and play on the swings while your Daddy signs you out, eh? I'll push you if you want."

William promptly screamed a 'yes', forgetting all about the new red hair and sliding down his father's body like it was a fireman's pole. He began to run over, with Gerard standing there, completely baffled, but he turned back around and pointed to the man, shouting,

"That's Frankie! He's my favourite!" before leaving for escapades on the play equipment.

Thursday, Day Five:

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