Chapter Seven

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When the next night came, Naruko's legs were mostly-healed. They were still sore, though, due to her having to move around a few times to evade the shinobi looking for her. The mostly-blonde knew she would be in trouble if she had to run away from the Suna shinobi in her current injured state. 

Naruko spread a minuscule amount of chakra into the area around her and used her sensory to make her way back to the redheaded Jinchūriki. The crimson-tipped-blonde-haired girl slipped in through alleys and shadows, keeping her senses alert for any of the shinobi around her. 

After a while, the ten year-old jumped up onto a tree and huffed quietly in frustration when she saw the amount of shinobi around one of the houses. Dammit. I should've finished that seal. There's too many to just muddle their senses. I need to be careful. 

"What's your plan?" Kurama asked the girl. 

I... Naruko's blue-and-violet eyes darted around to look at each highly-vigilant shinobi watching the premises. ...have no idea...

Naruko sighed softly, then sat down on the branch, sticking the piece of paper with her work-in-progress seal on her. The mostly-blonde girl kept her eyes peeled and senses alert for any danger or changes in Gaara's positioning. 

I think I'll wait for the day and see if I can take my chances with there being less security. 

"I think that's fair.

* * * * *

When the sun rose, Naruko stood on the branch and looked around. Just as she had hoped for, there were less shinobi now that the sun was back out and it would be harder to hide from them. The original ten-or-so shinobi that had been guarding the Jinchūriki had lessened to about three and the ten year-old girl could sense both Temari and Gaara inside the room in front and to the right of her. She could also sense a shinobi inside the room with them and clicked her tongue in annoyance. 

Naruko sighed and tilted forward, aiming for the small gap the window gave (she was suddenly grateful for her small stature, much to Kurama's amusement). She lunged forward and landed in a roll, rolling once, then standing up on her two short legs. She used her sensory to find where the shinobi's exact placement was in the room. The young girl's mind quickly formed a strategy that would enable her to sneak in and knock out the average-level shinobi, then let her stop Temari before she could even do anything. It relied heavily on her chakra control. Naruko was suddenly thankful for the hellish training regimes that Kurama had put her through. 

Naruko took in a deep breath, then exhaled softly and looked at the door. She was thankful that there was no-one in the halls since she would have one chance to do this before more shinobi would be called - she would then have to injure herself again to get away. Naruko kept her sensory to the max and began to pool the chakra necessary for the next jutsu she would be making.

Wind Style: Air Bullets!

Out of the mostly-blonde girl's life came out wind compacted into tiny bullets. They shot forward at amazing speeds and lodged themselves in the legs and arms of the shinobi in the room as well as Temari, rendering them both motionless. Naruko walked into the room, knocked out the shinobi, and looked at Gaara, who simply stared back, his seafoam green eyes blinking slowly. 

"You never answered my question, Gaara." Naruko said to him. 

Temari groaned and attempted to move her body. "Get the hell away from him!" 

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