Chapter Eleven

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Merry Christmas/Happy Holidays everyone! (Ignore the fact that I'm a day late - nearly 3 hours late for me heehee)

I was planning on making a small Christmas omake but it would've been rushed an unedited smh (plus I have no idea what to write for it lmao). 

I might make a New Year's bonus chapter, and I'll definitely write one for Valentine's Day (I'm gonna start it soon so it's ready and not rushed >:]) 

Anyone have anything they would want me to add for either a New Year's bonus or a Valentine's Day bonus? (This includes small details that aren't 'plot'-related) 

Well, have a fun holiday :D


"Gaara!" Naruko sung happily, skipping through hotel halls with a bright grin on her face.

The now-twelve year-old had a bright grin on her face, the man following her smiling in amusement with a small shake of his head, shoving long, spiky, white hair over his shoulder so that the long ponytail hung limply on his back. 

"What's up, Naruko?" Came the voice of the red-haired boy through the brown, wooden door. 

The blonde, crimson-tipped girl then stopped - silent - raised her right leg, then turned at rapid speed and roundhouse-kicked the door open. It broke open with a smash and slammed against the wall, splintering off into dust and debris.  

"Not again, Naruko!" Gaara shouted loudly, looking at the broken door with an expression that was a cross between panic, annoyance and concern. Panic because the manager of yet another hotel was probably already on their way to their room to kick them out (he sincerely hoped this manager wasn't like a few of them that had given them a stern lecture about respect and manners). Annoyance because this wasn't the first time she'd done this. And, finally, concern because Naruko would only bust through a door when she was excited, and an excited Naruko meant destruction would come. 

Before he could think of a certain moment where Naruko nearly destroyed a whole village because she was so excited, the sight of an unfamiliar man caught his attention.

"Who in Kami's name are you?" Gaara's eyes narrowed and he stepped up to stand beside Naruko, a little in front, as if to protect her from any danger the man would bring (not that the girl already had that covered). 

"This is Jiraiya!" Naruko exclaimed cheerfully, already packing the things she'd left on the small table with a speed that showed how used to it she was. 

"Jiraiya...?" Gaara pondered, fingering his chin in thought, recognition flashing in his pale eyes. He glanced at the man once more, then furrowed his brow-bones in thought. "The Sannin? The Toad Sannin, right?" 

The white-haired male's eyes seemed to light up like a strong fire jutsu and a wide smirk appeared on his wrinkled face. I think I just unleashed the beast... Gaara thought nervously, silently praying Naruko would come save him.

"Indeed I am!" He suddenly posed, smirking and grinning at the same time. He was about to continue, when Gaara's prayers were answered and Naruko stepped up beside the twelve year-old boy.

"Yeah, yeah old man. You're just an old pervert." She spoke with a dismissive wave of the hand as she stepped past him and to the window, sliding it open. She jumped up onto the edge and gave Gaara an expectant look. "You comin', or are you gonna stay with Pervy Perverson over there?" 

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