Author's Note: Hello, It's Been A While

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Hey guys! How are you all? Since I didn't manage to update for a long time (*cough* personal probs + health probs + got busy with adulting life (still hate it. Lol) *cough* *cough*), so I decided to start writing drafts for the next chapter..... I just don't know when I'll be able to post it. I'm sorry in advance 😣


Is it just me or wattpad application is just really so buggy lately? I mean, I can't type my stories for hours straight in wattpad like before without it force closing or words getting scrambled up.

Sometimes the bugs erases paragraphs I've already written, and.. you know, it sucks cuz I need to retype again. Plus my ideas keep flying away from me everytime something like that happens.

It's just really so annoying that sometimes I feel like I'm too bored to type my stories even though I wanna update this story as much as I can.

If you know any good note pad application that I can also do fonts/paragraph alignments like Wattpad, please suggest it to me so I can just copy paste my works in it.

I can't write my stories using our laptop anymore like before cuz it's already broken lmao so I can only type my stories on my android smartphone (and it's really a nice phone so I don't think it's about incompatibility with the app)

Anyways, I also like to use this opportunity to reach out to you guys. I hope y'all are safe and healthy. I actually want to hear from you all and become friends. (especially if you are also a writer/artist, I wanna know people who I can enjoy sharing my ideas with)

And guys, don't forget to always wash or sanitize your hands especially during this COVID-19 pandemic. Please follow the your country's government health organization.

Take care, everyone! See you soonest~


It took me around two hours just typing this quick one 'cuz of the "bugs" I mentioned earlier, seriously. ತ_ʖತ

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 04, 2021 ⏰

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