Chapter 1

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                “Shit” I muttered under my breath as I approached the house, the front door hanging open. Ellie was careful, there was no way she would leave the door open like that.

            Cautiously, I set down my bag, hesitating in front of the door. I walked quietly, trying to keep my presence a secret. Blasé couldn’t have been home—no one would just leave the door open like that.

            My heart pounded in fear. Had someone told the government? Did they have Ellie? We had worked so hard to keep her safe…

            I took a deep breath.

            Quitely, I walked in side of the house, my eyes scanning around. There was a strange smell that I vaguely recognized.

            A low growling sounded, causing my head to jerk to the left. A large beast stood there, head dipped down. Its black eyes glared at me, sending a shiver down my spine.

            It was that dog. The one that Ellie had found. I searched my brain, trying to remember the name as I knelt down, sticking my hand out for it to sniff.

            It hesitated, smelling my hand cautiously. The growling increased.

            “Luke never did like you” A voice sounded from behind me. I turned around quickly¸ my eyes wide in surprise. I never thought I’d hear that voice again.

            John smirked at my expression “Well, hey, there buddy”

            “J-John” I stuttered. John was here. In my house. Ellie. “W-what are you doing h-here?”

            John shrugged casually, motioning with his hand. The dog pushed past me to sit at John’s side. He ran a hand down the dog’s fur “Just…stopping by”

            “Where’s Ellie?” I asked, anger seeping through.

            John laughed once “Why don’t you take a look for yourself” He nodded over to the living area, a devilish grin across his lips. Hesitantly, I looked over, to see nothing. I walked over slowly, my eyes landing on a pool of red on the group.

            Fear pulsed through my veins as I took a step closer, my eyes following the trail of blood.

            It led to Ellie.

            Her body was face down, head turned slightly my way. Her arms stuck out in awkward ways, hair covering her face. I knelt down, brushing it away.

            A red circle in the center of her back showed to be the source of the pool of blood. I glanced at her face, the lifeless eyes staring at my feet. There was a glossy coating over her eyes. Her mouth was part slightly, a trickle of red seeping out.

            I closed my eyes, taking a breath to steady myself before I stood up to face John.    

            He hadn’t moved, still leaning against the door frame, that evil smirk across his lips.

            “You killed her” I whispered, quietly “You killed her”

            He grinned triumphantly “Of course I did. She had tricked both of us, Clay, she was using you”

            I looked back at her empty body “You…killed…her”

            John rolled his eyes “Get over her, man, she’s gone. You should thank me for doing this. I saved you the trouble for when you finally realized her true intentions”

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