Chapter 17

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A scream erupted through the house, shocking me from my slumber. My body stiffened as my eyes flew open in shock.

                Sofia gasped, her fingers digging into my chest. Her eyes snapped open, meeting mine with shock. I forced myself to release her from my grip.

                She rolled off the side of the bed, scrambling up frantically. “Clay, stay here. I need to see what was happening.”

                “Sofia!” The shrill scream of Mimi echoed throughout house the house again, “Help me! Oh, fuck, someone help!

                Sofia threw the door open, sprinting down the stairs.

                I sat in the bed for a moment.

                Rolling off the side, I chased after her out of instinct, a bad feeling in the pit of my gut. I didn’t bother with stealth, stumbling over my own feet as I practically jumped down the staircase in impatience to find out what was happening.

                I slid to a stop right outside the kitchen, listening to Mimi’s cries.

                “There are more! He-he’s down there! Sofia, what’s going on?!” She sobbed barely coherent words.

                “Mimi, it’s ok, I promise you!” Sofia tried to sooth her panicking friend with little success “Calm down! I’ll take care of it!”

                “We have to call the authorities! This is the second one in a day!” Mimi was in hysterics now, completely loosing it.

                “No!” Sofia practically screamed that word at her. “We are not calling the authorities. Calm down! We can handle this on our own! We call the authorities, I’m screwed.”


                Sofia faltered for a moment. I felt my heartbeat picking up. How was she going to cover for herself this time?   

                “You remember my experiments?” Sofia said.

                There was a silence. I assumed Mimi had nodded by Sofia’s next words.

                “I still have them. I can’t caught, Mims.” Sofia’s voice was slow, as if she was talking to a young child, “Calm down. We can handle this.”

                I moved slightly into view so that I could see the two girls in the kitchen.              

                Sofia was handled so that I could see her front. Her hands gripped her cousin’s shoulders tightly. Mimi’s back was to me. Her body was shaking and I could tell she was trying to hold back the sobs that were coming.

                Sofia’s hair was crazy from sleep, her entire body stiff with fear. Her eyes flickered over to where I stood, hardening slightly.

                I shook my head.

                Please don’t do anything rash, Sofe.

                Her eyes moved back to her friend.

                “I’ll get rid of them. Just like I got rid of the other one.”

                “Bullshit.” Mimi whispered.

                Sofia blinked, “Excuse me?”

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