Part 1 (edited)

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Hey guys,
You might be wondering why I'm rewriting this book...
Well first, I didn't like how the book started of. And second, it was written horribly.
From then and now, my writing style has changed immensely! And plus, the grammar in that book made me want to puke-
The old book will still be up.
But the old book will be used for A/N's ONLY, so this book has no A/N's getting in the way... Unlike the old book, which was covered head to toe with a/N's with no room for plot...
Sorry if I don't update often, High School can be a pain-

From now on, I'll try to update at least once a week, if I'm lucky with school work, maybe even 2-3 chapters/parts!
I'm also working on a YouTube show!
It's called "The Mages" and we already have the pilot episodes planned out!

Me and a couple other people have been working on it for a while!

The link to it has been posted in the original book.

Well, I won't keep you from reading the actual book any longer, I hope you enjoy!


Today's finally the day - my birthday... yay, I guess. I honestly don't know whether or not I should be happy... I honestly don't know how to feel about it... on one hand, I'm getting older and can soon move out of this wretched place and on the other hand, I get beaten up more by my so-called relatives...

I don't even have anyone to turn to for help or support, since Ron and Hermione have started to ignore me. Dumbledore's also ignored my pleas to leave this horrid place... he's also been trying to keeping something from me, and I don't know why.

What am I supposed to do now?
My life's just going downhill.

Times like these is when I wished I had just listened to The Sorting hat, and went to Slytherin... I wonder how different things could have been with me accepting Malfoy's friendship and being in the same sort as him...
Times like these I wish I could just disappear from the face of the Earth and never return...

I can't do that though, I have to defeat Voldemort, for the sake of wizard kind - right?
Voldemort asked me a while back if I wanted to become a Death Eater and help him kill Dumbledore... should I? Dumbledores been hiding so many things from me, I can tell. As well as everyone from the light side - excluding a couple people - have just been ignoring me.
Should I join him?
It's a hard thought, best not to think about it.

Hey look, 5 minutes till my birthday, that's nice...
I honestly hope it's actually 5 minutes till my death - instead of my birthday.
Maybe it really is 5 minutes till my death? But a guy can only dream.
3 minutes till my birthday
2 minutes till my birthday
60 seconds till my birthday
45 seconds till my birthday
30 seconds fill my birthday
15 seconds till my birthday

That sharp pain that lasted longer than it should made me feel like something's wrong with my body.
Best to look in the mirro- WHAT THE HELL?
I look in the mirror to find a pair of jet-black wings and.. a tail?!
I almost fell backwards because of the shock, but my tail kept me in balance.
I also felt 2 large and dangerously sharp pair of fangs stabbing slightly on my lower lip.
I heard a small 'pop' coming from where my bed is.
Huh? A letter from Gringotts?
Odd.. what does it say?

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