•Chapter-16• Training & doubts

Start from the beginning

After all, even the armory full of weapons gave that vibe.

But all her imaginations came untrue when Riya took her to the terrace of the house. She had never ventured to the terrace before but what a beautiful place it was. And if anything ever makes her believe in love at first sight again then at the present moment, it was the terrace.

It was such a beautiful place and it made her feel like she was standing on the top of the world. The mighty mountains of north stood in front of her unbowing. She could see the forest stretch in the east. The sea roared and crashed in the west and south. It was a beautiful sight.

And her mentor stood there with his shoulder-length hair flying in the breeze, his eyes smiling. He wasn't dressed in a dhoti as she expected. He was looking quite comfortable in track pants and a loose T-shirt. Khushi was all ready to conquer her powers.

"I can't see anything, it's not working " Khushi huffed out with a frustrated sigh.

It took only two days for her determination to crumble and how wouldn't it? When she couldn't master a simple meditation step. How will she master the more extensive exhausting parts of her training?

"You're air, dear. And the air is always in motion. So, it must be hard for you. But you'll conquer it. I'm sure, " Arjun assured her with a slight chuckle.

"But how? I don't even know what I'm seeking looks like?" She asked him tired and depressed already.

It was just mediation and she couldn't control her own mind? How can she control her powers if her own mind isn't in her control?

"Well, maybe I can help you with that, " Arjun said looking thoughtfully and she just watched him at a loss of words.

"Look into my eyes, " Arjun asked her and Khushi was startled for a minute.

But compiled anyway. He was the mentor after all. For the first few minutes, nothing happened. Well, except her heart producing uncomfortable and nervous vibes.

Arjun's silver eyes were frighteningly beautiful, after all. But the terrifyingly magnetic pull of his eyes turned into a gateway. A gateway to his soul and core. She knew at a glance this was what he was asking her to find for the last two days.

It was a disk, a rotating white disk with seemingly black pearls on it. It has serrated edges. She didn't know how but she knew the disk had 108 serrated edges and from each sharp edge power and emotions were connected. She could see the colorful veins like roots of a banyan tree sprouting out of the disk. It was a large network of interconnected roots. And it was clear what power Arjun favored. The tornado with lightning and rain rotating in the center of the disk was a straight giveaway. The network of power had all elements but the chosen one reigned in the center.

And as soon as she thought it she was out gasping, sitting in her spot in front of Arjun. She had just traveled inside his mind and she felt drained.

"Now you know, what you're seeking through your core chakra will most likely be blue with white pearls, " Arjun told her seemingly totally unbothered by her trip in whatever that place inside his soul was called?


How did you know that? How could you just show me? How was I able to see inside your soul?

Khushi didn't know what to really ask when the breathless how escaped her lips? But whatever it was it was powerful and draining magic.

"Well, because I'm your ruler and you're a royal. And well, I'm connected to all the air clans so, " Arjun shrugged indifferently.

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