Summer Reports // NB!Female!Jade x Female!Human!Reader

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Summary: The summer heat brings about long spells of sleepiness for (y/n), to which Jade will have to try to wake her up so that they can work on a few reports together before they're due at midnight. However, work quickly becomes postponed when Jade finds the young woman sleeping nude in her bed and their serious composure is broken by the more or less pleasant surprise. Before they both know it, the lazy summer afternoon is well spent together in the confines of silken bed sheets instead of filling out paperwork.

A/N: The title states that Jade is both nonbinary and female. To clarify and avoid any confusion, Jade will have they/them pronouns and they will have female genitals. They will not have breasts though. I felt that this would keep it a bit more true to the character and change things up from the last chapter where Antarcticite was designated to have male genitals. Thank you! Hope this helps! PS: Might be *slightly* kinkier than Antarc's, but not by much.


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Summer was always one of the gems' favorite seasons with all of its beautiful flowers, green grass, and warm waters for all of the play and exploration one could want. [Y/N] and Jade however still often remained indoors among with a few other gems due to their work. At least, that was part of the reason as to why they would stay indoors. There was also the fact that [Y/N] was about as awful about tolerating the heat as anyone could get and she would hardly be able to stay awake long enough to finish much nor do a good job at it when she did finish a task.

Today was a particularly hot afternoon and [Y/N] had retired to take her daily nap earlier than usual, leaving Jade mostly alone to take care of a few of the reports that needed to be written for Sensei. Euclase offered to help out as well, but even they couldn't help but slow down during the heat wave as it became increasingly difficult to focus on such technical things when nearly any other activity seemed significantly more inviting. The issue however was that all of the papers were supposed to be completed tonight, but that goal seemed nearly impossible with only two tired hands chipping away at them.

Realizing this fact and despite their hesitations, Jade broke away to get up the stairs and fetch [Y/N] in a vain attempt to get extra help in the hopes that having her assistance would make sure their job was finished by sundown despite the balmy air making everything feel much more exhausting. The bow in their hair took a few small bounces, their heels made a couple of turns, and they soon found themselves at [Y/N]'s bedroom door. Jade took a quick breath and knocked on the door with a gentle hand a few times, waiting for a response. When nothing answered back to their knocks, they tried a few more spread out knocks which were each slightly louder than the last before they found themselves rolling their eyes and decided that they had no choice but to invite themselves into the woman's chambers.

Jade opened the door just enough to barely step in for a small look, doing so slowly and quietly as not to cause any creaks and avoid waking her too rudely. They set a hand against the rim of the door and flicked their eyes over to the bed, seeing [Y/N]'s sleeping form resting in her bed. Her hair was messy against the pillowcases and her back was turned to the door as she remained in a deep slumber. The room felt heavy with the heat of the evening and the humidity of the sea made the air even worse. However, there was one odd and slightly shocking thing about her current state which lead to Jade's surprise and embarrassment: she had no clothes on.

Jade took a soft breath, stepping fully into the room despite the situation and they averted their eyes down to the floor. They set their hand against the door frame and carefully shut it until there was a light click which softly broke the tranquil silence. They leaned their back against the door before glancing over at the woman in her bed, their lip quivering slightly with nervousness. 'Should I even be in here?!' Jade pondered this question with anxiety ravaging their thoughts and pounding heart. Their face was far too flushed to hide it, but really, they didn't at all mind what was in front of them.

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