Author's Note - Introduction

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Hello, hello, hello!

First off, welcome to the smut book that nobody asked for. There are quite a few discrepancies with this book canonically but obviously, it's a smut book. Not much logic goes into our lust (especially when we are here to smash gems in the not so literal way).

So! Let's clear some things up before you get your business started.

- Yes, the gems are sexless beings! But we'll pretend they aren't for the sake of this book. Their anatomy/gender will be placed in the title of the chapter.

- They will still be gems! That's right, when I say they're going to be rock hard, I do mean it quite literally! Unless stated otherwise, assume they're crystalline.

- The reader will be human unless stated otherwise and I will also state the gender of the reader in the titles as well so you can pick appropriately.

- Just assume they can feel it. I know they probably can't, but again, just assume that they do anyways. 

- I am LGBT+ so that means this book will 100% have LGBT+ smut options! I'm not taking requests yet but I may eventually make a chapter specifically stating I am just for requests. Look forward to that in the future and feel free to request anything within reason.

- Assume that all readers and characters in this book ARE OF LEGAL/CONSENSUAL AGE at the time of the smut. Let's not be freaks here.

- I have only seen the anime so I apologize if I miss anything that was stated in the manga. I'll still do some research before writing a chapter at least so that I understand the basics and don't butcher the character. Just be patient with me, I'm going to be doing my best despite this!

If you're reading this book, thanks! I'm amazed! Now please enjoy, you crazy bastards.

(Chapter image by LunariaGold)

Sugar Crystals // Houseki No Kuni x Reader LemonsWhere stories live. Discover now