Solstice // Male!Antarcticite x Female!Human!Reader

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Summary: (y/n) is a human staying with the gems year-round at the school. She has had a close friendship with Antarcticite for several years now and always looks forward to the quiet winters where they spend the season in each other's presence. One particular winter however, the winter solstice also happens to come with a strong snowstorm that lasts through the entire day and into the night where the two share a far more intimate and loving moment than usual where they both confess and show their feelings.

This is a long, vanilla one. Enjoy.

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Night started to come sooner and sooner as winter's harsh winds began to cut across the land. Lush greens were replaced by decaying brown before being blanketed in powdery white snow. The gems would join the grass soon so that they too would be buried in a soft and gentle white, sleeping away the winter season almost as though it didn't exist at all. There was, however, an exception: Antarcticite, who spent his whole life thriving in the brutal winds and glacial blues. They gave him purpose, meaning, the sensation of a beating heart. But there was one more thing that gave him that same passionate feeling, and she waited every year for him sharper than clockwork since she didn't share the same need to hibernate like her peers did. 

Her name was (y/n) and unlike the gems around her, she was made from flesh rather than bone. Soft, (s/c) skin instead of scintillating, crystalline structures. It intrigued everyone around her to the point of her exhaustion each year as they poked and prodded at her anatomy and endlessly questioned her form. Winter quickly became her period of rest and relaxation as a result. It was when she would spend her days enjoying the peace and quiet as a result of the partial isolation, and she would also be graced by the private company of her long-lasted friend Antarc. They would often give each other passing stares and (y/n) had made a habit of leaving small gifts for him when he would return back from his winter duties. On occasion, he would even give into his loneliness and go to her room to have deeper talks or indulge in gentle banter just for the sake of having a conversation. They held a close partnership that required few words to maintain a strong connection. Both could go three fourths of the year never seeing each other and yet they acted as if they were still side-by-side that entire time. She still, of course, looked forward to his winter return regardless of this fact. 

The winter solstice had arrived and with it came a blizzard far too harsh to go outside in as visibility was badly deteriorated and the wind was so strong and frigid that it could easily chip a gem overtime or at the very least, strip them of the powder they often cover themselves with. Even the lunarians wouldn't be able to tolerate it and would surely completely avoid the area until it passed. Antarc was forced to postpone his winter duties for the day as the snowstorm lasted into the night, which came swifter and would last longer than any other night in the year. (y/n) set out some winter pajamas that Red Beryl had made for her on top of her bed blankets, staring out of the windows that were built into her small bedroom to help shield her from the elements. Small jars with dried grass and plain oil filled her room as they burned like candles, keeping the space slightly warmer than it would otherwise be. 

"Are you doing alright tonight?" Antarcticite's voice came suddenly, surprising (y/n) enough to cause her to slightly jump with a quiet gasp. She turned to face him and a soft sigh escaped her lips, nodding to him. "I'm doing fine. I'm sorry for not leaving any gifts for you today, I couldn't go outside to actually find anything for you. I also didn't mean to jump, I just didn't hear you walking this way." Antarc shook his head a bit and he pulled away from the door frame to enter the room, glancing at the makeshift candles placed atop of the shelves and small wardrobe. His eyes fell towards the blankets and clothes on the bed next before a quiet huff of a laugh escaped his throat. "They spoil you endlessly with things. Every time I come here, there's something new that they made for you." He sat down on the edge of the bed, his hands running across the soft fabric and threads of the top blanket before he sat still and looked up at (y/n). "And even a new pair of pajamas as well?"

Sugar Crystals // Houseki No Kuni x Reader LemonsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang