The date

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Your POV

The next day I really thought j just dreamt all that up but it turned out I didn't cause all three of the boys were outside my class waiting. "Hello" I said. "About time" Katsuki said. "Kachann don't be rude" Izuku said. "Kachann? I thought it was KatSuki. Is Kachann how you would like to be addressed?"I said. " You can call me whatever you want, moron "Katsuki said. " Okay Kachann "I said. He turned to me as if he was shocked I choose that nickname. " Me me call me Izu-zu please "Izuku said. " Hello Izu-zu"I said smiling. Izuku or well Izu-zu turned bright red after I said it. Todoroki looked as if he didn't care. "How would you like to be addressed Shouto? " I asked. "You may address me how ever you want, but may I address you as babe" He asked. I turned bright red. J forgot this was a date, I'm dating them. Dating three cute hot boys. "Yes sure, Shouto" I said covering my face. Izu-zu and Shouto grabbed one of my hands and put it down. "You look cute when you blush darling" Izu-zu said. "You looked exquisite babe" Shouto said. "Quite hogging her" Kachann said grabbing my hand and pulling me towards him. "Let's go eat" He said. "But my stuff" I said. "I got it!" Izu-zu said. "Okay" I said. Bakuguo changed the way he was holding my hand so I was next to him. Then I see Shouto grab my other one and Izu-zu grab Kachanns other one. We all walked to a small restaurant. We were taken to a small booth. I sat down first the boys were fighting over who would sit next to me. Kachann and Izu-zu were physically fighting so Shouto just snuck past them to my side. "Kachann, Izu-zu you're making a ruckus" I said. They looked at me then daw Shouto took the spot already. "I can't believe you Todoroki" Izu-zu said. "Stupid half'half" Kachann. We all ordered and after the waiter left it became kind of quiet. What do I say? I don't really know them. I should get to know them better if we're all dating now. "Thanks for bringing me here" I said. What is that supposed to do? What conversation does that start? I'm so stupid. "It's no problem really" Izu-zu said. "Dont be ridiculous, of course it is. I definitely own you guys" I said. Izu-zu scratched his neck. While I see Kachann look at me and smirk. While Shouto just started at me. "Well I guess it would be even if you give me a kiss" Kachann said leaning closer to me. I went bright red. I put my hands in front of my face. "I also think that would make it even" Shouto said. That shocked me. "It makes sense" Izu-zu said. "I don't thinks that's necessary" I said trying to calm myself down. "I don't think you get to decide that" Kachann said. Out of nowhere Kachann Leando closer and pulls my tie. My face was inches from him but since it was a sudden motion the first thing I said was "oww Kachann. " He looked a little pink then let me go. "Sorry" I heard him muble before we were completely apart. "It's okay" I said. "No it is not. Let me see" Shouto said touching my cheeks with his thumbs. He got really close to me. "You're really pretty" He said when we were inches apart. "Of course she is" Kachann said. "You guys are cheating, I can't reach her" Izu-zu said. He then started complaining about having the seat farthest from me. The argument made me laugh. When I did all the boys started at me as if I did the coolest thing ever. Then they turned back and started arguing again. I started to shiver. I look up and notice I was under a vent so I was getting all the cold air. I tried to pretend I wasn't cold and just acted Normal. Then after I shivered a bit more I feel myself get hotter, I look and see that Shouto put his arm around my shoulder and was making it warm for me. "Hey don't get to close" Kachann said immediately. "But she's cold. It wouldn't be a good date if we let her be cold" He stated. "Hes right Kachann" Izu-zu said. "Thanks Shouto" I said looking at him. "You should get closer though---so you can get warmer" He said adding the last part since the boys looked at him at first. "Okay" I said scooting a little closer. He saw me then pulled really close. "Cheater" I heard Izu-zu mumbled.

After that the date was pretty normal. We ordered and ate. They all gave me a bite of their food. Then all three of them decided to split the bill without letting me pay.

We walked out and they asked if they could walk me home. I said sure. So now we're all walking to my house. "Thanks for today, it was fun" I said. "Of course it was, mom just was there" Kachann said. "Sure Kachann" I said laughing. "It was my pleasure" Izu-zu said. "I also enjoyed the event" Shouto said. They dropped me off. "Bye" I said. I was about to walk away when Kachann pulled me back and kissed me. Then Shouto pulled me away and kissed me then Izu-zu. "Bye" They all said with Izu-zu looking like a tomato, kachann blushing lightly and Shouto staying the same. I walk to my door and open it. Well that was eventful. Dating them is going to kill me.

Anyone that actually decides to read this please remember I planned this as a short story, so everythings going to be fast paced

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