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***** Sorry this took longer then I wanted, My teachers thought it would be great if they all gave final projects at the same time. Also for Bilingualbabiee thanks for requesting again.*****

Your POV

After I told the boys I'm pregnant, they haven't left me alone. Somehow. I don't know how they do it but they always leave at least one of them with me. Does school not matter to you? How are they getting out of class? I don't know. But I think they're gonna start getting in trouble. "You're gonna get in trouble," I said to Kacchan. Who was the one that was with me right now? "Just calm down. No, I won't" He said. But I wasn't just saying it to say it. I said it because I see Mr. Aizawa walking towards us. I don't think he did though. Mr. Aizawa started yelling at him and saying they couldn't just a ways watch over me and that they could see me after classes or school. Which he had a point. But I kinda want them here today since I'm nervous about later since I'm having dinner with the Todoroki's. The Todoroki's! Shoto found me a dress to wear but I'm still nervous. I'm not that good at having a fancy dinner even at a home. And the boys are going to wear suits. Is the dress even fancy enough? Should I wear something else? (The dress:)

Todoroki didn't want me to wear something tight so I would hurt my stomach but I feel like I look really casual

Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.

Todoroki didn't want me to wear something tight so I would hurt my stomach but I feel like I look really casual. Anyway, not the point.

After school

I and the boys changed and then Todoroki took us to his house where it seemed really big. Not my favorite thing but okay. We walk in and there is the #2 hero. Endeavor. He is really big and scary. But there was also one guy with white hair and a girl with white hair and red streaks. "Hello, father," Shoto said. "Good evening, sir," I said. And Izu-zu greeted him very excited probably since he is a big hero and Kacchan just greeted him as he wasn't important. We all sat down. And the whole time Endeavor was looking at me. He didn't ask my name or any questions until we started eating. "What's your quirk?" he said. " Umm... I can use the abilities of any animal I've seen"I said. I continued eating. A weird first question. He didn't ask anything else. Which was weird but okay. I don't know if he liked my answer or my quirk. I like my quirk it's a cool quirk. Or at least I think it is.

We finished dinner

"You can have the house... " Endeavor said. "Thanks, father" Shoto said. "On one condition. .. " We nodded. "I want to see the kid when they get their quirk," He said. And we walked away. I felt like I was holding my breath the whole time. But we walked to the new house. It was really big as well. But we decided that only me and Shoto would live here for now since we haven't told Kacchans or Izu-zus mom yet. Which made them sad but like what we gonna do.  But it was so weird he only asked me a question. Only one and didn't even talk to Kacchan and Izu-zu. But we walked in and designated rooms. which there were 6 rooms. Which is a good amount I guess. It had two bathrooms which I like. And a really big kitchen and living room. We decided that we'll buy baby things when we get to see the gender of the baby. Which to me makes more sense. So we have to wait a while but it'll be worth it. After a while, Kacchan and Izu-zu had to go home. So I stayed there with Shoto. He seemed to quite enjoy the fact that he was the only one here with me. Lucky him, I guess. I saw him smile then he immediately turned to me and it scared me, don't tell him though. Then he reached out to me. Hesitating. As if he did it too fast I would go away. "Shoto, "I said. He then looked shocked at my words and then just pulled me into a hug. "I'll try..."He said. "Hmm?"I said wondering what he was talking about. "I'll try to be a good dad, I promise," He said. "You'll be great, we all will," I said. He had his head on my shoulders. That's going to hurt him I am like 5 inches shorter than him. "Shoto, That's going to hurt your neck," I said trying to lift him but when I did he cried, well his eyes were teary. "Come on, At least change, we shouldn't ruin these clothes. we then went to a room and saw it already had clothes there. There were only clothes in Shoto's size which makes sense because if they knew mine I would be scared. So I just grabbed a random t-shirt and put it on. It fit me like a dress. And Shoto changed to some PJs. But I think he was happy I didn't have proper clothes at this new house. Anyway, we both lay down. I don't know what's happening in the future but I do know, I love today. We both start dozing off. I close my eyes. "I love you" I heard Shoto mumble. "I love you too," I said looking at him. He smiled. Then he closed his eyes as if trying to go to sleep as fast as he can. I wonder how the other boys are doing.

Izuku POV

"Half'n Half better not do anything to her while we're gone, or I swear to god that.."He said. "Calm down, "I said. He looked at me shocked. "What did you say stupid De---" He started saying before I kissed him and ran away. "imma beat you," I said yelling. He was shocked for a second and froze but then he erupted. I didn't even look back. "Stupid Deku, You can't beat me!"I heard him yell as I kept running.

Ai ajuns la finalul capitolelor publicate.

⏰ Ultima actualizare: Jan 21, 2021 ⏰

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