"Oh god," Maria gasped as we watched the man fall from the immense pain.

"Yeah, that looks really painful man."

I turned around to see my ghost brother, Ben, leaning against the wall. "Hey, Maria," I shouted over the boos for Luther, "I'll be right back." She nodded and went up to her dad.

"Since when did I summon you?" I asked as I ushered Ben into the hall where I looked less suspicious talking to no one. "You didn't, I kinda just, came over here. I really don't know, Klaus was getting annoying," he replied, crossing his arms. "What's happening over in Destiny's Children?"

"Nothing, he just left them. Apparently they were getting too clingy, which I guess is true. But he just ran without telling them."

I went to stand next to Ben. "Where is he going?" I asked. Ben gave me a look. "Back here, back to Dallas." It was my turn to give him a look. "He is?" Ben nodded. "Now you can finally stop avoiding him."

"Avoiding him? No, he just always seems so busy, and surrounded by so many followers. Plus, when I first summoned you, he was in India. How was I supposed to find him then?" I summoned Ben again six months after Luther and I dropped. It was a complete accident, but one day he just, appeared. He confirmed that Klaus was alive, and tried to get me to contact him, but, I never did. I don't really know why. I felt comfortable where I was, I didn't need to be caught up in whatever was happening with Klaus. I had a place to live, and a wonderful friend.

That doesn't mean I never worry about the others, I had just never looked. At least I knew Klaus was alive.

"Ok, fine then. Tell me when you guys get here and I'll meet up with you two."

Ben smiled. "Yes, I can finally get you guys back together! On that note, I might wanna leave so I can check up on him. See ya soon?"

I smiled and turned back to Luther. I saw him sling a towel over his shoulder. "You ready?" He asked me. "Yeah," I replied and went to stand bedside Maria. "Good job, (Y/N)," Mr. Ruby said. I nodded and proceeded to follow them outside.

~ ☂︎︎ ~

𝙈𝘼𝙍𝙄𝘼 𝘼𝙉𝘿 𝙄 sat at the bar next to Luther, chatting away once again.

"I know you and Luther were traveling together, but you've never really talked about your other siblings," she said, stirring the straw in her mocktail. "Nothing much to say," I replied, "There were 8 of us in total, and we've recently gone our separate ways. Haven't been all together in a year." She nodded, pondering on what I said.


I looked down. "One of them passed, I wasn't there to witness it, but apparently it was really bad. I never asked what happened, and I don't want to know."

"Would they ever come here?" She asked. "Yeah, actually. One of them is actually driving over right now. Has some business or something. I honestly don't know what's happening with them half of the time." Maria nodded.

"So how many sisters and how many brot-"

"Can we not talk about this now?" I interrupted. "I'd rather not think about them."

"Oh! I'm so sorry," she said, stopping herself. "I didn't know it was such a sensitive topic." It was her turn to look down. I grabbed her hand and intertwined our fingers. "It's fine, I guess," I said while smiling, "I don't mention them a lot. I understand why you're curious. I haven't really talked to some of them in awhile." She nodded and we continued to smile at each other.

Our little moment was interrupted by one of the ladies. "Hi, Luther. Hey, girls."

"Hi, Autumn," Maria and I said in unison.

"Hey, Autumn. How's business?" Luther asked, leaning against the bar. "Still waiting for the big tippers to show up," she replied. Luther looked over her shoulder to see a drunken man trying to talk to Mr. Ruby.

"Who's the half-wut bothering Mr. Ruby?" Luther inquired.

"No idea," Autumn answered, "But he's been putting away vodka gimlets like they're gonna run out of limes." Luther eyes him cautiously. "Oh yeah, he giving you any trouble?" He asked. "Not yet," she replied.

I watched as he drunkenly stumbled over his words. "We should do business, Jack."

"But he's getting there."

The man continued to struggle with his speech. "I can get you a deal on good shower heads." I rolled my eyes. Another intoxicated man probably sneaking out of his house and away from his family.

"I'm more worried about the kid," Autumn said, interrupting my thoughts. "What kid?" Luther and I asked in unison. "By the stage." I looked to see-

No. It couldn't be him. Is this real?

"Did you talk to him?" I asked, getting out of my seat. "I told him we don't allow minors."

"Oh yeah? And what'd he say?"

Autumn chuckled. "He asked what time I was getting off work." She laughed softly. Luther and I exchanged glances. Maria shook my shoulder. "You know him?" I didn't look back, I was too focused on the boy in the front. "Yeah, he's...an old friend of ours." I grabbed Luther and we walked up beside him.

"She's too young for you," Luther said, leaning over Five's shoulder.

"Nice to see you too, Luther."

"That, and you look a little young for her."

He turned around with probably the most shocked expression I'd ever seen from him.


Sorry for such a short
chapter. Here's a meme
for the inconvenience:

 Here's a meme for the inconvenience:

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Hope you all enjoyed, vote,
comment, and whatever.
See you next chapter :)

QOTD: Has school started for you yet? Are you distance learning? What time does it start?

AOTD: School started on August 13 for me, ugh. Yes, we are distance learning. On Monday's and Thursday's, I start at 7:45. On Tuesday's and Friday's, I start at 9:10. And on Wednesday's, I start at 9:30. It's a very weird schedule, I know.

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