kirishima eijirou x reader: 𝘨𝘪𝘳𝘭 𝘵𝘢𝘭𝘬

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_________first person pov_________

"What's up with you and Kirishima, hm?" Mina set her lunch tray in front of mine as I had a mouthful of [favorite food] stuffing my face. I looked at her quizzically, swallowed my food, and scanned the cafeteria for said redhead, but didn't see him nearby.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Girl!! What do you mean what do I mean?! It's so obvious!"

"Mina, you're gonna have to elaborate. I have no idea what you're on about."

She huffed dramatically, then continued, "You're telling me that you don't notice the way he looks at you? How he literally follows you like a puppy? Your late night hangouts in your dorm room?!? What is happening?!?" Mina's hands were flying as she recited her list, trying to prove her point.

"We're friends, that's all," I calmly responded. "Just because he's a guy doesn't mean I can't socialize with him." I paused. "Have you been spying on me?"

"You may think that you're friends! But I know Kiri, and that boy's got it bad," she bellowed, dodging my question. "He wouldn't bat an eye at any other girl!! He was the most disinterested person in 1A, almost more so than handsome Todoroki, when looking at the other girls' dorm rooms until we got to yours! Don't you remember??" Her energetic tone was creeping up in pitch as well as speed, and I was worried that people would start eavesdropping and get the wrong idea.

"Mina, I'm sure it's nothing like that," I assured, attempting to quiet her down.

"Well, what do you think of Kirishima?"

I didn't answer for a second. Do I tell her the truth and say that his goofy grin and upbeat demeanor makes me feel lightweight in his presence? That when I'm in need, he comes to my aid without fail? That I feel like I can be myself, and things aren't complicated at all with him? He was so charming in his own way, and I was frankly smitten. However, after Mina's speech, I knew I couldn't tell the truth in fear that she would cause a bigger scene than she already had.

"Well," I started, "he was one of the first people at U.A., other than you of course, that really made me feel welcome. He's a good guy and he's gonna be a great hero someday."

Silence. Mina carefully analyzed me, black and yellow eyes narrowing over my facial features. After a few seconds, she perked up. "Oh my god! You've totally got it bad, too!"

"What?!" I shot back, flushing. "What makes you think that?"

"[Y/N], please," she scoffed. "My eyes are trained for this kind of stuff! I'm the romance professional."

I stifled a laugh. "Ok, well, think what you wa-"

"Hey girls!" Kirishima's voice behind me made my whole body tense. He appeared beside me and set his lunch tray on the table, seating himself next to me. "What're we talking about?"

"Oh! Hey, we were just talking about," I paused to come up with something, "what Midnight was wearing today! She's crazy," I said with a laugh, hoping he would join in.

His face was blank for a second, then immediately lit up. "I know, right? She needs to wear a big sweater or something! She always looks half naked!"

As I laughed along with Kirishima, I glanced over at Mina and noted that she was making a smug "I-totally-know-you-like-him-and-I-told-you-so" face. I raised my eyebrows at her in a "whatever-you-say-dude" manner, and the three of us continued to enjoy our lunch.


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