Chapter 20: Where Everything Came To Light

Start from the beginning

Zero: "Your secondary systems are still functioning so you can exit the Lancelot. I suggest you surrender, otherwise, we'll have to gun you down." It seemed my words got to him because he opened his hatch and came down after I did.

Suzaku: "You're really going through with this. Did you know that Euphy was in tears after I told her what you said?" He asked with disgust in his voice.

Zero: "I'm truly sorry, however, that changes nothing. Suzaku, do you want proof that Britannian can't be changed solely from within?"

Suzaku: "Whatever it is, I don't want to hear it from you."

Zero: "That's too bad because the missiles that will be heading for us will only speak part of the volumes."

Suzaku: "What are you-" He got a message over coms. "May I?"

Zero: "Be my guest." Suzaku looked surprised after he got the message.

Suzaku: "How did you know?"

Zero: "I also know that Euphy will be heading here to try and stop them, all in order to save us both. Unlike us, do you think Britannian royals would cry for more than a day after her death?" The Black Knights began shooting down the missiles.

Suzaku: "There is no way anyone would allow her to do something as riskless as some here. Besides, how could you possibly know something like that?"

Zero: "Call it fated, much like how the Avalon is here." I looked up and saw the giant floating ship appear.

Suzaku: "What the-"

Zero: "Live Suzaku."

Phase three, trust in Lelouch to do his part. It wasn't easy convincing him to use his Geass on Suzaku before the party, but thankfully he did once he heard the consequences of not doing so. The activation words were the original command spoken by Zero, and it made sure that Suzaku saved both of us from the Hadron Cannons that were about to fire down upon us when the bottom hatch of the airship opened. Afterward, he would still be affected by the Geass, but it insured his safety as a result. In the end, we were sent and separated on Kamine Island. On the rocky coast, I looked out to the sea only to turn my attention when I noticed Euphy standing there, not far away, soaked from the sea.

Euphy: "(F/N), it's you, isn't it?" She asked in disbelief that I was here before her. "I haven't told anyone, I even had Suzaku keep it a secret. Please, take off that mask."

Zero: "Is that an order?"

Euphy: "I'd rather it wasn't, please, I just want to talk." I reached for my mask and took it off.

(F/N): "Fine, only because I want to speak with you about something as well. But first, you should probably dry off."

I took off my cape and handed it over, before sitting behind a nearby boulder so she could remove her dress in some form of privacy and let it dry in the sun. After she was done undressing she sat on the opposite of the rock with the cape covering her. There was a long moment of awkward silence, not too different from when we first met, which brought back some memories for me.

(F/N): "You know, it was a mistake on my part." I tried to break the silence.

Euphy: "What was?"

(F/N): "Slipping up and using your nickname, I guess old habits die hard after all these years."

Euphy: "I don't think I follow, we've only known each other for less than a year."

(F/N): "It's something I'll explain later."

Euphy: "There's something I wanted to ask you. Were you ever... (F/N) or were you always Zero?" I laughed. "I'm asking in seriousness."

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