"Who? Ennoshita?" She nodded

"All the managers keep talking about how he so cute and I'm annoyed at them always talking about how my boyfriend is cute, why not talk about Tsukishima? He's attractive, why do they have to talk about Chikara"

"I don't know Y/n" he sighed "I don't know"

"Hey what happened" Chikara said concerned looking at his girlfriend who he saw only an hour ago and she was happy now she was crying on the side of a building with one of his teammates comforting her

"Why do you have to be so damn cute?" She asked

"I'm confused, your crying because you think I'm cute?" He said sitting on the other side of her. She shook her head.

"She's crying because all the managers keep talking about how cute you are" Yamaguchi answered for her

"Baby, you know I love you" he said pulling her into a hug

"I know, I love you too, but I'm annoyed that they keep talking about how cute you are, they always get on the topic of how the captains are cute and then that ends up in them saying 'oh, that karasuno's Captain is so cute! His name is Ennoshita right? Whatever his name is he's super cute' and they just keep going on and on about it. They can't seem to talk about any other guy then you, and you have a girlfriend"

"I'm sorry, baby, I don't know what to do about that" he said as he kissed the top of her head hugging her tighter

"I know, I just want them to stop" she sighed "it's also not only that, I heard one of them say that you were to good for me, and that got me thinking and I kinda agr-"

"Shut your mouth" Chikara said "shut your damn mouth, if anything you are way to good for me y/n. You're amazing, you're one of the kindest people I know, you're so good with Micho, and he actually likes you" he chuckled "don't ever let me hear that crap come out your beautiful mouth again" he said lifting her chin so she was making eye contact with him and he kissed her "hell, don't let that nonsense roll out of those soft lips ever again, ok?" She nodded and formed a small smile as she cuddled into the hug he was giving her which in return made his grip on her tighter. He walked her back to the kitchen so she could finish her job. As soon as she opened the door the manager from earlier immediately stopped what she was doing and ran to her

"I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to upset you, I didn't realize you and Ennoshita were together, please forgive me" she pleaded

"It's ok, it's just it seems to happen a lot with everyone and I was kinda fed up with it" she chuckled nervously being the first time she had ever expressed herself being annoyed about something to the people she was annoyed with

"I won't do it again, I promise" the same manager said

"I will though" a manager said. Y/n looked over to see the manager who had sad that Chikara was to good for her "He's too good for you, he's more mature, I have no clue what he sees in you"

"I- Uh-" y/n didn't know what to say

"Aww little baby doesn't know what to say" she teased

"Hey, that's enough Katou!" Mako said putting a protective arm in front of Y/n as the girl had gotten kinda close to her, she huffed and walked away "y/n you can go now, I'll take over your job, ok?"

"Thank you Mako" she hugged her

"You're welcome" she smiled at her. Once y/n left, Mako had some more words to say "Katou, it doesn't matter if you don't see what he sees in her or not, he chose her to be his girlfriend and their happy together, so if I see you teasing her again it will be reported to your adviser"

"Oh, I'm so scared, I'm gonna get in so much trouble" she said sarcastically

~ time skip to that night~

There was a storm that night. Y/n checked, yep she's still terrified of them. She was laying on her futon wide awake shaking from every rolling thunder and strike of lightning. Suddenly her phone lit up and vibrated on the wood floor beside her.

Message from:
Click to read

I know it's storming, are
you ok?

Not really...

Meet me in the hall
Try not to wake anyone
up ok?


Y/n tip toed out of the room sliding the door very carefully so it wouldn't make noise. She had her bear with her and she saw Chikara slipping out of his room quietly. She ran to him, her bare feet making barely any sound on the floor. She hugged him tightly.

"It's ok, baby" he said mumbled into her hair "I'm here now, you don't have to worry" he said, slowly moving them both so he was sitting with her head in his lap. He stroked her hair repeating the comforting words to her until she fell asleep. He was so tired he fell asleep in the uncomfortable position he was in. In the middle of the night coach Ukai was walking down the halls, he saw the pair and shook Ennoshita.

"What are you guys doing out here?" He said to a half awake boy

"Y/n is scared of storms, tonight there was a big one" he yawned "I texted her asking if she was ok, she said not really so I told her to meet me out here" he looked even more tiered then his usual sleepy look

"we have access to another room that no one is using" he sighed "I trust you guys to not do anything other then you comforting her and sleeping. It's the room in between karasuno's room and the managers room. You guys can go in there instead of you sleeping uncontrollably out here, we need you on your best tomorrow, and you two have access to that room ONLY if there's a storm like there is now, I know you'd sacrifice your sleep for her but we need you out there so that's why I'm allowing it"

"Thank you coach" he yawned again "we won't do anything, I'm to scared of what Daichi would do if he found out" he sleepily chuckled

"I didn't think about that, but I would be too" he chuckled "he scares me and I was his coach" he patted Ennoshita on the shoulder "now go get a good nights sleep ok? I'll come and get you guys a little later tomorrow morning"

"Yes sir" he woke himself up a little more, then woke Y/n up enough for her to wrap her arms around his neck and her legs around his waist. He entered the room coach had given them access to and had to wake y/n up fully now so he could put her down. Once he did they both laid down and got comfortable. Y/n realized it was still storming and immediately went back to her scared state until Chikara calmed her down and they both fell asleep again

Coach Ukai had a plan knowing the other teens would make rumors about the two sneaking off to do the nasty. He put a note in each room telling them that they had woken up early and he sent them on an errand and they'd be gone for a while. He signed both letters to make them legit and taped them on the inside of the door in both rooms.


Word count: 1893

Good ole coach Ukai always looking out for his students.

Thanks for over 200 reads 🤧🥺💕

Thanks for reading!
~ Joanna 💕

{Unnoticed} [book 1: Daichi's sister] (Ennoshita Chikara x Reader) 𑁍completed𑁍Where stories live. Discover now