𝟐𝟏. 𝐘𝐨𝐮'𝐫𝐞 𝐬𝐨 𝐂𝐮𝐭𝐞

957 56 528

^^ did anyone else swallow when he swallowed deeply like that...? ok anyway-

~ ~ ~ 

"Stop fucking snoring," Jada groaned from the top bunk, slapping her hand again the wooden railing in a futile attempt to wake up Calum. It was past noon and the sunshine was peeking through the closed blinds, illuminating the four wiped out young adults.

"My head," Nina whined and let out a small whimper before flipping over in her bed.

"My leg!" Alina giggled, quoting her favorite fish from Spongebob. However, she immediately regretted shouting as the aftermath of her night of drinking hit her.

The girl must have drunk a lot last night because as soon as she had gotten into bed, she was out like a light. It seemed like the only things that could get her to sleep well were excessive amounts of alcohol and Luke.

With her head throbbing, she tried to remember what she did last night but the memories were blurry and discombobulated. The only thing popping clearly out in her mind was that Luke had apologized and she had called him out on his jealousy again. Wish I could always be that bold.

Everything else from that point on was a mystery to Alina. Yet, a voice was telling her that she did more than just forgive Luke.

It wasn't an image that overtook her suddenly, but a feeling. A feeling of someone's arms wrapped around her. A feeling of security and contentment.

She was sure that it could just be her mind playing with her because there was no way Luke would have done that unless he was drunk out of his mind, right? Maybe he had been drunk and it had happened; Alina had no clue.

Brushing these thoughts away, she reluctantly got out of bed to fetch ibuprofen for herself and her other hungover friends. It had been almost twelve hours since they had gotten home after their night at the karaoke bar, but the effects of the hangover — a pounding headache, dry throat, and overall feeling of sickness — were still apparent.

Despite feeling like shit, she knew that the best way to improve her condition was to get started on the day as sleep was out of now question now that she was awake.

Keeping the lights off in the bathroom, she looked in the mirror and saw that she was still wearing her clothes from last night. Turning on the faucet, Alina ducked her face into the stream of water. The cool water was like a breath of fresh air. Popping a pill into her mouth, she knocked her head back as she swallowed it along with the water.

"I'm putting the ibuprofen here whenever you guys are ready to drag your asses out of bed," the petite girl placed the bottle on the wooden dresser.

"Uhhh," Calum grunted in acknowledgment. He threw his pillow over his head before going deadly still. A snore suddenly shook through his body, earning a second groan from Jada.

Jada has been dating Calum for almost more than a week now but she'd never heard such sounds come from him. Is he worth the lack of sleep? She thought with her eyes squeezed shut to block out the light coming from the door Alina just opened. Yes.

~ ~ ~

Twenty minutes earlier, Luke strolled into the immaculate kitchen and spotted Michael pouring himself some coffee.

"What's up, mate?" The blonde asked, adding a dash of cream and a generous amount of sugar.

"Nothing much," the dirty blonde sighed, perching himself on one of the tall kitchen chairs. With his height, his feet were flat against the ground, but he imagined Alina's sitting beside him. Her legs would dangle, I'd tease her about it, and then she'd probably try to push me off, Luke thought with a small smile.

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