Chapter 14 ~ Tell Me

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'are you sure you don't want to see Sherlock first?' you ask Mycroft as you, he and a large amount of spooks walk into baker Street. 'he is in hospital. Culverton Smith's hospital.'

'He will be fine' Mycroft says 'Culverton is harmless and it gives us an excuse to discover what he is high on'

'Yeah, your right' you say

'I am always right' Mycroft said slyly and you laughed.

John came in and started questioning why the spooks where there.

'Hey John' you say smiling.

'(y/n), can't you tell them all, including your boyfriend to go away?' he asks.

'can't do that, sorry John, you know how it is' you come closer to John 'I do believe that Sherlock is right' you whisper 'just the evidence is lacking'

'Do we need to search you too for drugs?' Mycroft asks you

'Well, if it was you then I would be happy' you snigger

Mycroft stares at you with a weird look which you ignore.

Suddenly John asks about a brother. Confused you listen in. The only person you knew locked up in such a high security prison that you could compare it to Azgaban was a woman called just Eurus. Her files was never given to you, sent strait to Mycroft.

Ms Hudson comes in and smiling at you she starts to tirade Mycroft. You see a knife stuck in the counter and carefully opening it you see a disk with "miss me?" on it.

We all sat down to watch it, but instead of the scary figure of Moriarty it was Mary.

John told everything to get out and you left. '(y/n), you can stay' John said.

'If you want me too' you say 'I don't want to overstep my bounties.

' No, it's fine. Mycroft leave' John said.

Mycroft looked at you confused but nodded and left slowly, texting as he went.

The video shocked everyone, and you and John quickly run to the hospital, knowing what was going to happen. Texting Mycroft as you went. Leaving John to do his job you sit outside for Mycroft's arrival.

By the time he arrived it was all delt with with, and you left the policing work to the police.

Standing and joining Mycroft in the car you look at him dead serious. 'It's not a brother is it' you say.

'I don't know what you are talking about' Mycroft said indignantly.

'Oh yes you do. Eurus. It's her' you say 'Don't lie, I know the truth. You have better tell me' you say.

Mycroft sighed. 'If you must know the truth' he said, explaining everything.

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