Chapter 11 ~ Magnussen

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Warning: mental breakdown

You get in the helicopter and stress hits you. But you keep in your mind Mycroft, his sneers and silly narcissistic things but also his love and commitment to you.

The helicopter lands at a mansion and you walk out. You look at Watson and he smiles encouragingly at you.

'Ah, hello' Magnussen says 'and (y/n). A surprise to be sure. But a welcomed one'. He smirks 'Come, sit on my lap' he said smiling. You look at Sherlock and Watson. 'Sit on my lap' he repeated.

'I have the laptop.' Sherlock said, Magnussen took his eyes off you and onto Sherlock. Taking the laptop he sits back. And smirks.

'we want to see your vaults.' Sherlock demanded

'All in good time. But first I want to watch this' he smirked. It was a video of Watson in the fire.

You cringed as Magnussen sidled up to you 'I told you that you would crawl back to me' he whispered, huskily in your ear, wrapping his arms round your waist . 'and now I will ruin you.'

'Mycroft will -' 'Mr Mycroft Holmes will not want to jeopardize his position and the country. You are still mine, remember?' he strokes your hair. 'Sit on my lap, and I will show you the vaults' he announced.

'You are trying to show off your power' your hiss, pulling against him

'Oh, maybe I am' he says 'but I hold all the cards.'. He sits you down on his lap and he watches the rest of the film.

Sherlock and Watson looked angry, the first time in your life, you saw Sherlock showing any emotion but pride.

Magnussen started needing your butt and smirking at the way you tried to wriggle away. He realised you and you shakily walk away from him as he stands.

'Let me show your the vaults' he smirks, walking away from you.

You shakily walk with Sherlock and watson to a white room and he sits.

'There are now vaults?' you ask confused

'no' he laughs. 'It's all in my mind. Let me get (y/n)' s file' he smirks as he does so. 'Ahh' he laughs and with his hands he mimes opening a file. He laughs and turns the page 'Oh bad girl' he mutters 'Very bad girl'. He laughs, 'I love reading her file's. So entertaining' he laughs.

You go weak in the knees as he carries on, holding back tears you look at him with pain in your eyes.

He snaps his eyes open and grins. 'Well, rest assured, you three will be in the papers tommorow. And you (y/n) will have a special place at the front page' he smirks.

You see a helicopter and swat, walking outside with Sherlock and Watson. Everything goes slowly as Magnussen is shot by Holmes. You collapse on your knees as Sherlock puts his hands up and Watson rushes over to you.

Mycroft shouts at the helicopter to land and looks at you in fear. Jumping out of the helicopter he orders the men to stand down and picking you up he holds you, stroking your hair.

'(y/n), my darling it's me' he murmerd 'Please, please talk to me. I have no idea how to cope with this. I don't understand'

You lay in his arms, staring to cry against him, your tears wetting his suit.

'arrest Sherlock Holmes, take Watson for questioning' Mycroft shouts before running to the helicopter, holding you in his arms.

The helicopter landed outside his parents home and running in he lays you in the bed, his parents coming in after him.

You sobbed and shook on the bed. Your face was white and your hands cold. 'She is going through a nervous breakdown' Mycroft mutters. He was heart broken. You, the one who melted his cold heart was breaking down infront of him and he had no idea what to do.

'(y/n), (y/n) can you hear me?' Mycroft asks.

You lay there sobbing and shaking. Mycroft's mum comes in with some tea and places it beside you.

Mycroft out a hand on your shoulder and you whimper 'Don't Magnussen please'

Mycroft pulls away his hand like he had been burned 'I should have protected you' Mycroft murmured. 'I'm sorry (y/n). I love you. Please don't go' he pleaded.

You look up at him with your tear stained face and you hug him.

'I should of been stronger' you whispered 'I should of stopped Sherlock'

'No, there was no way to stop Sherlock. He did it to protect you' Mycroft gently said, holding you close to him. Mycroft kisses your head. 'Drink' he ordered, handing you the tea. You sip it as Mycroft wiped your tears.

'I will protect you' Mycroft promised he said kissing you again on the forhead.

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