All Might: Hey Nezu! Oh? Whose this?

Nezu: This is Izuku Midoriya. Aizawa is taking care of him since he ran away from an abusive parent. He's been watching him for about 2 days now.

I saw everyone look at Izuku with a sad look, I don't think Izuku noticed though, he was looking around.

Nezu: Well, Izuku.

Izuku: Yes?

Nezu: Meet the rest of the teachers of U.A.

Everyone introduced themselves and it was Izuku's turn.

Izuku: Hi!

Midnight: He's so cute!!

I saw Midnight gush at Izuku and picked him up.

Izuku: U-Uhm-

He hugged him, he looked like he couldn't breath.

Nezu: Uhm.. Midnight, you might choke the poor kid.

Midnight: Oh! Sorry little guy!

She put Izuku down.

Izuku: I-Its alright Miss-

Midnight: Call me auntie!

Izuku: Uhm.. okay!

I saw present Mic walk over to him, he kneeled down to his level.

Mic: Hey little listener!

Izuku: Hi!

Mic: I'm not sure if you remember, but I drove you and Aizawa home a couple days ago.

Izuku: Oh. Thank you!

Izuku hugged Mic, Mic looked surprised, but he eventually hugged back.

Mic: Thanks for the hug little listener!

Izuku: Your welcome!

All Might walked over and also kneeled down to his level.

A.M: Hello! Your name is Izuku Midoriya, right?

Izuku: Mhm!  What's your name?

A.M: Well, you can call me Mr. Yagi.

Izuku: Okay!

Izuku also hugged All Might, he hugged back. When someone else called Izuku over he let go of All Might and walked over to them. When All Might got up he started to walk towards me.

A.M: Why do you think someone would hurt someone like him? He's so cute! I mean- just look at him! He's so loving!

Nezu: I agree, I had the same reaction. I can also agree, he is very loving.

A.M: Do you know who his mother is?

Nezu: From what I heard Aizawa tell me, he said the mother's name is Inko Midoriya.

A.M: Do you know who the father is?

Nezu: Aizawa said-

I was cut off by my alarm going off.

Nezu: Sorry All Might, Aizawa finished teaching and I have to take Izuku back. I'll talk more about this in a future meeting.

A.M: Oh.. okay then.

Nezu: Goodbye. Come here Izuku!

He said bye to everyone and walked to me. I opened the door and he followed me out, I once again kept a close eye on him to make sure he didn't wander off. I made it to Aizawa's classroom and opened the door for Izuku to walk in first.

Izuku: Thank you!

Nezu: Your welcome!

He walked in, and I waited at the door.

Izuku: Hi Shota!

Aizawa: Hey kid, go look around, I need to talk to Mr. Nezu.

Izuku: Okay!

I saw Izuku run to the back of the classroom to look around.

Nezu: I'm guessing you wanted to talk about Izuku, and how his father could be All For One, correct?

Aizawa: Yes. Did you tell All Might?

Nezu: I was going to tell him, but I thought it'd be better if told everyone during a future meeting.

Aizawa: I guess that'd be better. Okay I have to go, I'll see you later Nezu.

Nezu: Bye!

Aizawa: Kid, come here.

Izuku walked over to Aizawa and held his hand.

Aizawa: Let's go home, kid.

Izuku: Okay. Bye bye Mr. Nezu!

Nezu: Bye Izuku!

They walked out and I went to my office to continue to sign paperwork.
Sorry this took forever to make. I also wanted to ask a question. Have you ever had this weird voice that says thinks like: 'Your ugly, fat, disgusting, not worth anything' things like that? It's been happening for a while, and it's getting annoying- XD
I feel like I'm going crazy-
But I haven't told anyone till now-
Whatever, I'm just rambling, ignore this XD

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