Chapter 17

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"Congratulations, everybody. You saved the Crown Jewels" said Sam the Eagle.

"And you've caught my nemesis, The Lemur." said Jean Pierre.

"Yeah. And you've caught me. I guess I'll be going back to prison" said Violetta.

"Yes. Come, Miss Damien" said Jean Pierre.

"Um, no" said Sam Pan.

"What did you say?" said Jean Pierre.

"What I said was "no". She will not be going back to prison" said Sam Pan.

"I'm with Sam. Look. Violetta Damien is no criminal. She's trying to survive." said Calvin.

"Yeah. No wonder she needed our help. No one would let her be a good person which is what she really is" said Charles Wallace.

"The point is, you need to let her go. She's not what you think" said Sam Pan.

"Hmm. Well, the word of people who seem to have gotten to know her is convincing" said Sam the Eagle.

"So will you spare her?" said Sam Pan.

"Yes, of course" said Jean Pierre.

"Well, we still have Constantine" said Sam the Eagle.

"And the Lemur. Look at his little costume. That's adorable" said Jean Pierre.

"The bad guy is Dominic Badguy" said George.

"Take them away" said Jean Pierre as he and Sam the Eagle arrested Dominic and Constantine.

"I can't believe you guys convinced the police to spare me" said Violetta.

"Why wouldn't we? You're innocent" said Calvin.

"And a good Lost Girl never lets an innocent woman down" said Sam Pan.

"Thank you, guys" said Violetta.

"No prob, Vi" said Charles Wallace.

"And to make things better for you... well, I'd have to check with my brother, but I'm sure he wouldn't mind if you were an honorary Lost Girl" Sam said.

"Are you sure it'd be okay with him?" said Violetta.

"Of course. Considering he let the entire team be Lost Boys, the bar isn't exactly set high. At least without even one Lost Girl" Sam said.

"Thank you, Sam!" said Violetta hugging her new friend.

"Sammy. We missed you so much" said Paul.

"I missed all of you too" Sam said.

"There she is! Right there! Arrest her! Arrest that girl!" shouted an unpleasant voice.

"Nadya? Wait. For what?" Sam said.

"For leading the largest mass breakout in Gulag history. You will get thirty years. Maybe fifty" said Nadya.


"No buts, Sam!" 

Things are okay now, but Sam's in trouble again!

What's coming up? What could it be?

One more click and we will see!

Peace and love,


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