Chapter 2

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In the Berlin National Theatre, the friends were rehearsing.

Sam, as always, was in charge of the set list.

"Okay, guys. Since we're playing in a theatre like this, let's stick with what we know" she said.

"Sam, when do I do the Indoor Running of the Bulls?" said Ringo.

"Never, Ringo. That's dangerous" Sam said.

"Sam, I don't know how to ask this but would it be okay if Murray sang five songs?" said Anthony.

"Five songs?!" Sam said.

"Yeah. I'm always the lead Wiggles singer. Murray needs a chance so we thought we'd let him sing five Celine Dion songs" said Greg.

"Just the sound of her name. Celine Dion" Murray sighed.

"I really don't think we have time for five..." Sam said.

"Hey. What about the act where we stand on each others shoulders?" said Paul.

"Beatle Ladder? No way!" Sam said.

"Sam's right. That's never worked, Paul." said George.

"Yeah. Last time we tried that was when we were in Hamburg. Pete Best ended up in a cast for six months" said John.

"See? So we can't do anything exciting but dangerous" Sam said.

"Sam. Why are you such a buzzkill?" said Charles Wallace.

"I'm not trying to be a buzzkill. I'm just trying to make sure we sell this theatre out so the Beatles fame stays intact" Sam said.

"Great new, everybody. We're sold out" said Dominic.

"That was fast... What is he up to?" said Calvin to himself.

"Hey. I have an amazing idea for an act. It's called the Indoor Running of the Bulls" said Ringo.

"Ringo, I told you that act is too dangerous" Sam said.

"Actually, Sam, I was asking Dominic what he thinks" said Ringo.

Sam sighed and ran to her room. Murray followed her.

"Sammy? Is now a good time to discuss our upcoming wedding?" he said.

"Actually, I'm kinda busy right now" Sam said back.

"Perfect. I have twenty-three swatches for the reception..." Murray began.

"Murray what are you talking about?" Sam said frustratedly.

"I'm just trying to involve you in some of the decision making" answered Murray.

"Well, what about being involved in the decision to get married in the first place?" Sam said.

"Oh, Sam! You never give me a chance!" Murray shouted.

"Hey! I've been giving you chances since the Beatles first met you! Besides, I haven't even decided if I wanna marry you!" Sam shouted back.

Murray was almost ready to cry. "Well, I thought you would have decided by now" he said.

"Deciding to marry your ex is a big decision! And as a matter of fact, the way this particular conversation is going right now... well... I'M FINE WITH THAT!" Sam screamed.

Murray put his hand to his chest and wiped away a tear. He stepped outside before Sam could say anything else.

Sam rested on the stage of the theatre.

Dominic sat next to her and said "Don't let it get to you. They all still love you. They just prefer me now".

"But what about Murray? Did I hurt his feelings too much?" Sam said.

"I don't think so. He's a bit sad, but he's alright" said Dominic.

"Thank you, Dominic. That's very comforting" Sam said.

"You know what I think helps in a time like this?"


"A walk alone in the fog. Along a deserted canal" said Dominic handing Sam a map.

"I guess that's okay. Let the guys know I'm gone, will you?" Sam said.

"Sure. I promise" said Dominic.

Sam left to take a walk. But she didn't know what was about to happen...

A walk in the fog?! 

Sam's in trouble now...

What kind of trouble, we don't know.

Read the next chapter to find out.

Peace and love,


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