Chapter 5

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"Okay. It says that Blood's key is hidden in a marble bust of his assistant Godfrey the Unknown which is kept in the statue room at the Prado Museum" said Dominic.

"Perfect. We break in, steal the bust destroy it and grab key" said Constantine.

"But it's not that simple. No one knows what Godfrey the Unknown looked like. And there's 250 statues in that room" said Dominic.

"That may be problem" said Constantine.

Murray entered the room to have a word with Violetta.

"Sammy? Do you have a moment?" he said.

"Uh... I guess?" said Violetta.

"I just wanna say that... I accept your apology and I'm ready to put our little argument behind us." said Murray.

"Th-thank you?" said Violetta awkwardly.

"And perhaps I was a bit too impatient with our wedding and maybe a bit eager about it" said Murray.

Before Violetta could respond, Constantine scolded Murray saying "Wiggle, I have question. Is she wearing sign that says "Bother Me"?!" 

Murray then ran out of the room crying.

"Constantine! You made him cry!" Violetta said.

"Well, we were all in the middle of evilly plotting. I do not like to be interrupted while evilly plotting" said Constantine.

"He was talking to ME" said Violetta.

"And if we're to get away with this, you've got to keep up appearances" said Dominic.

"That gives me idea. Violetta. The man in red is desperate to marry the real girl. Now that you are the girl, you can love him. You don't have to marry him yet. But keep him happy" said Constantine.

Violetta entered where Murray was.

"I'm not who you think I am" she wanted to say. But she couldn't.

"Are you okay?" she said instead.

"Yeah. Are you okay?" said Murray.

"I'm sorry about what happened. To make it up to you... I've decided to start giving what you want?" said Violetta.

She sang about what she meant.

Baby, stop right there. Let me clear the air

Baby, look into these eyes. Let me apologize

I know what you're thinking of. You're thinking "where's the love?"

But the love ain't gone. It's here where it belongs.

I know what you're waiting for

Well, you don't need to wait no more

I can give you anything you want. Give you anything you need

I'll make your dreams come true

Give you anything you want. Fulfill your fantasies

I'll make your dreams come true

You want a unicorn, I'll give it to you. You want a puppy dog, I'll give it to you'

You want an ice cream cone, I'll give it to you. You want a mortgage loan, I'll give it to you

You want a satin pillow, I'll give it to you. You want and armadillo, I'll give it to you

You want a diamond ring, I'll give it to you. You want a thingy-thing, I'll give it to you

know what you're waiting for

Well, you don't need to wait no more

I can give you anything you want. Give you anything you need

I'll make your dreams come true

Give you anything you want. Fulfill your fantasies

I'll make your dreams come true

You want a test of fame, I'll give it to you. You want a little cupcake, I'll give it to you

You want a cockatoo, I'll give it to you. You want a kangaroo, I'll give it to you

You want American car I'll give it to you. You want a Hollywood star, I'll give it to you

You wanna go to the moon... ooh, I'll see what I can do

I know what you're waiting for

Well, you don't need to wait no more

I can give you anything you want. Give you anything you need

I'll make your dreams come true

Give you anything you want. Fulfill your fantasies

I'll make your dreams come true


I'm saying cockatoo


In Mailibu

I'll give it to you. I'll make your dreams come true



In Mailibu

I'll make your dreams come true

Murray was so convinced. He actually hugged Violetta.

"Oh, Sam. You're what I always wanted" he said.

Violetta felt her tears coming on. She wanted Murray to be with the real Sam, but he was stuck with her. Maybe forever.

"Excuse us. We were all wondering. What's the setlist for tomorrow, Sam?" said Meg.

"Doesn't matter. Do whatever you want" said Violetta.

"Sam. Does that mean I can do the Indoor Running of the Bulls?" said Ringo.

"Sure, Ringo. What does it matter?" said Violetta.

"But, Sammy, if Ringo can do that, why can't I sing five Celine songs?" said Murray.

"You can. I'll let you" said Violetta.

"We don't have time for all this stuff." said Meg.

"I suppose we could save some time. I don't wanna boss you... anymore" said Violetta.

"Something's up for sure" Calvin muttered.

Looks like Calvin's getting suspicious.

Murray seems happy but he might not be happy if he finds out what's really happening.

What's coming up? What could it be?

One more click and we will see!

Peace and love,


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