Chapter 6

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Sam was still in the Gulag trying to get the blonde wig off her head.

"Where are you guys? Looks like I'll have to break out of here myself" she said.

Meanwhile, in Madrid, it was getting tougher and tougher for Violetta to keep her secret.

She really wanted to tell it. Mainly to Murray. She was really starting to like him.

"Good work, Violetta. The red Wiggle thinks you're serious about getting him what he wants. He's so gullible. The real girl would never do that" said Constantine.

"Does the real Sam hate him?" said Violetta.

"I haven't seen them together. All I know is he absolutely adores her." said Constantine.

During the show in Madrid, Dominic and Constantine broke into the Prado Museum and found Colonel Blood's key in a statue.

"Where is the locket?" said Constantine.

"It says it's in the vaults of the Irish National Bank" said Dominic.

"Then I know where world tour must stop next. Dublin" said Constantine.

Salma Hayek and Ringo did the indoor running of the bulls and it was pretty crazy.

Everything was crazy. And long.

The audience in the show still loved it. But in reality, they weren't very enthusiastic.

"A standing ovation?" said Calvin from backstage.

Backstage, everyone was happy except Calvin.

"Guys, I'm not sure that was such a great show" he said.

"What do you mean, Cal? That was fun" said George.

"Exactly. And the critics disagree with you as well, Calvin. Five out of five jamon serranos." said Dominic.

"Wow. those reviews really came out fast" said Meg.

"And Citizen Kane only got four jamon serranos." said Anthony.

"And more good news. I've booked our next gig. In Dublin" said Dominic.

"Great. Now we all have time to rehearse" said Calvin.

"Rehearse? Let's celebrate" said Dominic.

"Yeah. You deserve it, comrades. To do what you please" said Violetta.

""Comrades?" This is definitely not Sam" said Calvin to himself.

The next morning, Sam the Eagle and Jean Pierre Napoleon found out what happened in the museum and suspected that the Beatles were behind it as well as their friends.

They found them at the train station and showed their police badges.

"Wow. Those are big badges" said Charles Wallace.

"Merci. Come, come. You must come with us to answer some questions" said Jean Pierre.

Sam's still struggling and the others seem to have gotten caught!

What's coming up? What could it be?

One more click and we will see!

Peace and love,


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