😘Chapter Seven😘

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            "Lady Tsunade, it's all a miss understanding." I told her.

            "I don't care what it was, in my office! Itachi, Deidara, and you (Y/n)!"

           I gasped at her response,"B-But Lady Tsunade, what did I do?!"

          "You did nothing like these two did, I would just like to have a word with you."

           I sighed and then followed Lady Tsunade until Sasuke wrapped his arm around me.

            "You weren't even involved (Nickname you hate), you shouldn't be treated like that."

           "Thanks Sasuke." I thanked him.

          "Good luck talking to Tsunade." He added, with a grace expression. I laughed and followed Itachi, Deidara, and Tsunade into the office.

          Deidara went into the office first; It was just me and Itachi sitting in the chairs of the main office waiting to be called on.

           Out of the corner of my eye, I seen Itachi start to sit up straight in his seat. "You know, Deidara is an asshole for treating a girl like that. Especially, if that girl was you."

         I turned my eyes to him, not moving at all. "Thanks. You know you didn't have to interfere right? Sasuke can handle Deidara."

          After that, me and Itachi day in silence for awhile until Deidara came out from the office. When he was walking out he started smiling at me. I just shrugged it off.

         "(Y/n)?" Tsunade beckoned me in.

        I sighed and got on my feet and looked over at Itachi who gave me a wink and a thumbs up. I smiled and walked off into Tsunade's office.

        She asked me all about what happened in the parking lot. I told her that all the boys were teasing me about a coincidence that happened at the party Saturday night, and what Deidara did, and why Itachi stepped in and kicked him.

         "Oh... I see... thanks for telling me (Y/n). But you have-"

         "One day suspension? Oh please Lady Tsunade, I've never been in trouble like this before-"

          "(Y/n), it's just an After-School detention for breaking the dress code, that's all." She said writing me a school pass, and a detention slip.

          "Wait, what about Deidara? Please tell me that we won't be in the same detention room."

           "Deidara is being punished for what he did, he will be in the same detention room, don't worry Mr. Hatake will be in the room."


         "Alright, here is your late pass, now go back to class."


            After all my early morning classes, it was finally time for lunch. I sat down at my table and waited for Sasuke until trays scattered around me. It was the popular Senior's, Rin, Izumi, and Karin, then the popular Junior's, Ino, Sakura, and Temari.

          "So," Ino said, giving me a grin. "Tell is everything!"

          "About what?" I frowned in a confusing look, setting down my fork.

         "About Sasuke and Itachi!! Duh!!" Karin squealed, she needs to learn how to hear herself better.

          "You know, we want to know everything! Are you and a Itachi together or something? Or what?!" Temari squealed quietly.

         Rin, Izumi, and Karin gave Temari that look, since I think that they like Itachi.

          I almost chocked on my water,"Oh hell no! We aren't together." I wish.

          "But like, he protects you a lot!" Sakura squealed.

          I shrugged,"Maybe because he thinks I'm like his little sister or something."

          "No! He is like really protective over you! Like he seems like he cares more for you than Sasuke!" Ino said.

          "What?! How?! Sasuke is always there for me?"

           "You never heard about it have you?!" Rin questioned surprised. "Like you never knew?!"

           "Well, if I don't know what you're talking about then no, I never heard of it!" I exclaimed, getting flustered about what these girls were telling me. "What do I don't know what Itachi Uchiha is saying?!"

          "He's been talking all the guys to not ask you out."

           "And like telling them to back off if he hears some boys were talking about them liking you." Sakura told me.

           "And he told them that if they did anything to hurt you, all of them would be sorry." Ino whispered in my ear.

I blinked a couple times after what Ino just whispered in my ear, I was lost at first. I started to crack up,"You're joking!"

The other girls just looked at each other like they didn't even know what was going on.

"Oh, come on Ino!" I said and looked over to her. "Like I said, Itachi just protects me like a protective big brother, all right?"

Sakura finally said something,"Ask Sasuke if you're not too sure! Sasuke told me he thinks that so too."

What?! Sasuke thinks Itachi likes me still?! All he did was take care of me when I was drunk that's all!

"Oh yeah, and speaking of Sasuke, where is he?" Temari added.

"Yeah! Where is that sexy Uchiha at?!" Sakura squealed.

"Oh Sasuke? He's in art class right now," I responded. "He wanted to get a head-start on our Art-Project. I wanted some lunch, that's why I'm in the Senior's lunch time."

"Makes sense." Rin nodded. "Oh and did you ask Itachi again to do the kissing booth?"

"He said no whenever you guys told me to ask him. I tried, I really tried. But he said no."

"Did he say why he won't?" Izumi asked.

          I shrugged my shoulders,"No, not really."

           "Persuade him!" Rin shouted quietly. "And if you can't persuade him enough, then can you persuade him to at least stop by?"

          "You know I can't make promises, right?" I wavered.

          "But can you at least try?" Izumi said and gave me puppy dog eyes.

          I ignored her, puppy dog eyes don't work on me. But what Rin said started to go through my head, Itachi might actually stop by.

          I got interrupted in my thinking when I heard my phone start to ring. I searched in my 'pockets' until I realized that this skirt doesn't have pockets like my new one. I sighed and grabbed my bag and pulled out my phone.

           "Sorry Izumi, but I have to help Sasuke with our art project, I'll try and ask him."

         They all laughed and they said their thank you's and goodbyes.

         "Oh and (Y/n)? Make sure Sasuke is really doing the Kissing Booth." Sakura said with a pointed tone.

          "And make sure Itachi stops by!" Karin also said with a pointed tone.

         I chuckled and walked off to the art class with Sasuke.

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