😘Chapter Eight😘

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After school I had to watch my little brother at the house. My brother wasn't that bad to handle if you put either video games or a TV in front of his face. It may go fine for a couple hours but once it hits his bedtime, you have to drag him upstairs to go to bed.

"Ugh! (Y/n)! Can you at least let me stay up for another thirty minutes? Dad won't be home from work till later, so please?" My little brother begged me.

"Fine, but you have to stay in your room."

"Okay deal!" My brother did in a happy tone and ran upstairs.

After I was done handling that, I plop my bit on the couch and watch (Favorite TV show). Just before I press play, my phone starts to ring.

Ugh! Who in the Hokage would be calling me this late?!

I got off my couch almost jumping off and falling, but I ran over to the phone to see who was calling me.

"Hello?" I snap at the caller, I didn't even know who was calling me, it could've been my dad, it could've been Sasuke, hell, it could even be Karin bugging me about Sasuke and Itachi.

"Um, (Y/n)?"

"Yeah?!" I snap again knowing who this was on the caller line, it was Deidara. Probably trying to apologize for what he did earlier.

"Yeah, I know that you know it's me, but listen, I just wanted to say that I am sorry for what I did earlier today. I didn't really think it through but I know it was wrong. So what I'm saying is that I'm really sorry, hm."

I blinked my eyes a couple times thinking this over: Should I really forgive Deidara?

I couldn't believe he was actually calling to apologize, it seemed like he was around other people and trying not to laugh it this apology he is giving to me.

"Are you still there (Y/-?"

"I don't really wanna hear it Deidara, I really got to go now-"

"No I was going to ask you if you wanted to go to dinner with me tomorrow night, hn." I could imagine that smug smirk that is always on his face. "Cmon (Y/n), will you just give me a chance? Hm?"

I started to think more things through, Deidara was probably just joking around and trying to play with my feelings like the player he is. Honestly, he probably wouldn't even show up if I said yes.

"Uh no thank you. Buh Bye!"

I hung up and threw my phone on the couch. What an asshole he is, thinking he can try and go on a date with me. Like that'll fix everything!

        And everyone thinks I'm too sweet...

       I laid down flat on my back on the couch, just thinking about what it would be like if Sasuke was here and I wouldn't be so damn bored.

        But there was also something else, no wait. Someone else who was on my mind: Itachi Uchiha

        I just couldn't stop thinking about him. Ever since he took care of me, and saved me from my foolishness, he couldn't get out of my mind.

         The way he took care of me, but I know it was just him thinking I was his substitution for being his little sister, am I correct?

           Of course I might be a little ridiculous thinking that, but it's just the way these sleepy thoughts wandering into la la land.

        La la land of Itachi Uchiha, my best friend's older brother.

        YES I KNOW I HAVE NOT UPDATED THIS STORY IN SOOO LONG!! But PLEASE DON'T HATE ME. School has started back up and I have to actually go so I don't really have time to update.

        Other than me being sorry for not updating, I'm sorry I made this chapter really short. I've been doing lots and lots of writing in school and sometimes I just don't feel like coming home and writing. But I promise I'll try and update more <3

(Itachi x Reader) It All Started With a Kissحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن