New Relationships

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After school had ended I decided to forget about the events that occurred earlier and go to the cafe that was right around the corner from my house. The cafe is usually the place that I go when I want to relax withiut having to be judged or beaten to a pulp. I of course couldn't stay for long due to me having swim practice but since I didn't feel like going I called my coach and asked if I could have the day off of practice.

'Hello?' Answered my coach.

'Hey coach its Ky. I was wondering if I could have the day off of practice.' I asked and he was silent for a second before speaking again.

'Uhh yeah what for?' He asked.

'I just need a day to myself is all.' I said.

'Ah okay well you're gonna have to do extra laps and help me out with cleaning the pool over the weekends okay?' He said.

'Alright. Thanks coach.' I said before hanging up and walking into the cafe that had its bell at the front door ring when I entered it. A girl with blonde hair and blue eyes walked up to me with a friendly smile plastered on her face.

"Hi there! How may I help you?"She asked and I ruffled my hair a bit and gave her a small smile.

"Umm just a booth by the windows would be nice." I said shyly and she nodded and led me to an empty booth by the windows.

"I will be right back to take your order." She said as I sat in the booth and made myself comfortable. The girl quickly walked away and left me to my own thoughts.

'Is it really OK for me to just sit back and watch my whole world fall apart without putting up a fight to keep it together?' I asked myself and I shook my head to get the negative thoughts out of my head. Suddenly a random guy took a seat in the booth next to me and I looked at him with a surprised and slightly startled expression.

"Mind if I sit with you?" He asked as his chocolate brown eyes landed on my baby blues and small smile laid on his lips. I was silent for a second as I took in his features, dark brown short hair, tan skin, plump lips, long dark eyelashes and a soft gaze that could make your heart melt. I gulped a and shook my head before responding.

"Uh no since yoy've already made yourself comfortable I guess." I said as I looked down at the table. The guy let out a melodic laugh before he stuck his hand out to me.

"Well as long as were sitting together let's get to know each other. My name is Ian." He said as he politely introduced himself with a smile on his face.

I looked at his hand for a second before placing mine in his and shaking it.

"I'm Ky. Nice to meet you Ian." I said as I once again gave him a small smile. As soon as I let go of his hand the waitress came back with two glasses of water and a note pad.

"Alright, so what may I get you two gentleman?" She asked. Ian's gaze was on me when she asked and I couldn't help but feel even shyer than I usually am.

"U-umm a slice of chocolate cake and a cup of coffee with caramel will be fine for me." I said as she began taking down my order. When she finished with my order she looked at Ian ad I could tell that she was checking him out by the way that she gazed at him and bit her lip whenever her eyes landed on his lips.

Ian probably noticed her checking him out as well but didn't care enough to confront her about it.

"I think I'll just have a large Dr. Pepper." He said as he finally made up his mind and set his menu down. The waitress who's name that I now knew was Hannah nodded as she wrote that down and walked away to go and get our orders.

"Well it sure seemed like she was into you." I said as I looked out the window and out at the not so crowded sidewalks and street. I could feel Ian's gaze on me and it slightly made me uncomfortable.

" Jealous?" He said with a slight smirk on his handsome face. I quickly looked at him as my cheeks began to turn red.

"N-no!" I quickly said, earning myself a chuckle as he ran his fingers through his thick hair and smiled at me.

"Haha I was kidding." He said and I mentally slapped myself for thinking he was serious.

"Whatever.....anyways I haven't seen you around here before." I said as I tried to change the subject. Ian took the bait and sat back in his seat.

"Yeah well I just moved here two days ago and I'm still trying to get used to the feeling of living in a new environment." He said and I nodded.I was a bit hesitant to ask him this question but I just had to know.

"Uhhh would you like for me to show you around after my swim practice?" I asked him a bit shyly and he smiled, showing his perfect white teeth.

" Okay sure. What time does your practice end?" He asked me.

"4:30 since I have to do extra work for having this day off." I answered and he nodded.

"Alrighty then its a date." He said right when the girl came back with our orders. I tensed up and looked at him with wide eyes.

Did he just say what I think he said? A date? I got myself a flipping date!?

(Ian at the top!!!)

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