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I couldn't think straight, I couldn't move...

Ian brought me to his house and since we got here. I hadn't moved, didn't want to eat, or drink anything. I was just... Numb.

The scene with Nick and Aria kissing continued to replay in my head over and over again. It was like my mind couldn't process what the hell had just happened, but I should've known it was all just a joke to him. The date, the bringing me to his house, the kiss.... Everything.

I should have known, but I was naive. I thought that he had actually taken me seriously for once, but I guess I was wrong..

I heard the door to Ian's room open and close, but I didn't look in his direction. I knew he was coming over to me anyways.

"Ky....are you OK?" he asked me as he sat down on his bed, placing a plate with two sandwiches on it next to me.

I stared at the wall for a bit longer before turning my gaze to him and staring into his eyes. My mouth opened, but I closed it after I realized that nothing would come out, shaking my head as I looked down at my hands.

Burdening him with my life issues is not what I want to do.

He sat in silence, clearly not wanting to push the issue which I was relieved that he didn't. Instead he handed me the plate of sandwiches.

"Well you should eat. I wasn't sure what you liked, so I just made a simple sandwich." He said as I took the plate from him and gave him a small smile.

"Thanks... I appreciate it." I said. Ian smiled right back at me before he turned to his TV and started up his Xbox. I ate as he played black ops 3, watching the TV as he played and occasionally jumping everytime I was caught off guard by someone shooting at him.

As I was just about done eating, my vision had started going blurry and I had started nodding off. Ian noticed that I had started falling asleep and paused his game just to take the empty plate from me and place it on his night stand before he decided to lay me down in his bed and tuck me in under his comfy blanket.

"Go ahead and get some sleep, Ky. I'll talk to you in the morning." He said to me as I had already been losing consciousness, Just barely catching what he said.


~ Next morning~

I woke up with a start. Something just didn't feel right. There was a heavy weight on my side and something or should I say someone was pressed up against my back, snoring quietly behind me.

I started to panic a bit, thoughts running through my head.

'Oh God, please tell me I didn't... '

'No no no its ok Ky just turn around and you'll see who it is. Just turn around!'

My body slowly swiveled around in the persons embrace until I was face to face with Ian. I was quiet for a second before I started eyeing his sleeping figure up and down and boy does he have a jaw dropping figure.

I was afraid to look under the covers because I had a feeling he was in his boxers, but I wasn't sure. Instead I just licked my dry lips as I stared at his eight pack, my eyes trailing every hardened muscle down to the v-line that led to who his..... Oh man I'm getting carried away. I was pulled out of my trance when I heard a sexy chuckle, looking straight up to see a pair of deep chocolate brown eyes already gazing down into my baby blues.

"Like what you see?" Ian asked me as he smiled down at me, pulling me even closer to him.

I was speechless, but I tried to come up with an excuse. " Uh-Uh it's not what it looks like I-I was just Um looking for Uuuuh birthmarks?" I said in a very unconvincing way. He stared at me for a second before taking my hand and placing it on his abdomen, holding it there as he pulled me even closer if that were even possible.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 15, 2016 ⏰

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