Awkward Confusion

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~Ky's POV~

Its now 7:15 in the morning and i have been up since 5:20 due to the fact that i had to get myself ready for school and that i had been texting Nick since i woke up.

' Hey Nick its Ky.'

'Oh hey. Good morning.'

'Did i wake you?'

' No i just got out of the shower.'

' Oh well thats good i guess.'

' i gotta finish getting ready, so i'll see you later. Bye'


When he didn't respond i guessed that he went to go and finish getting ready, so i fixed my hair up, grabbed my stuff and quickly went into the kitchen and ate my breakfast. As i ate i was wondering why he seemed a bit off when we were texting. Was he bothered by something? Is he worrying about what happened the other day? I asked myself what could have been a hundred question's before my mom rushed into the kitchen, grabbed a piece of toast and picked up her keys.

"Let's go hun. Don't want to be late today." she said as she grabbed her purse and took my empty plate from off of the table and placed it in the sink for her to wash later. I mentally groaned and stood up from my chair, pushing it in and walking out of the kitchen and house with my bookbag over my shoulder and my mom trailing closely behind me. You all must be wondering. Do you only live with your mom? Well to answer that question yes i do. My father left my mother two years ago when i told him and my mom that i was gay. They both had very different opinions on what to do with my gayness and since they kept arguing they got a divorce all because of me but not to worry. My mom has no trouble with paying off bills and insurance, she owns her own buisness and we are very wealthy. I can't say the same about my dad who comes to visit around the time of my birthday just to give me some cheap present and ask my mother for money.

Honestly it's quite sad that a man in his early fourties can't even take the time to work hard and earn money for himself instead of having to constantly come running to my mother for help with money related things. I just really wish that she would stop being so nice to him and brush him off of her shoulder.

As my mom dropped me off at school and drove away to go to work, i stood infront of the school and looked up at the gray clouded sky that seemed like it would start pouring any second. I wished that school wasn't hell for me today but of course that wish never came true.

It's now time for science class and i am happy about going in and having to sit next to Nick for the whole class period. I had to stop at my locker and switch up my english text books for my science one's. As i placed my science textbooks in my bag my locker suddenly slammed shut and a pair of strong arms wrapped around my waist and pulled me back into a hard chest. I dropped my bookbag and froze in fear that i might get beaten up.

"Well Hello there cutie." said a voice that i recognized all to well. I slowly turned around to face the guy that i hated the most.

"Logan." I quietly said as i glared into his piercing green eyes that stared into my baby blue's mischevously.

"I've been looking for you." He said as he backed me up against my locker and placed his hands on either side of my head, trapping me against the lockers with his towering figure only inches away from my body.

"Oh? I didn't think a pathetic asshole like yourself would be looking for a nobody like me." i said as i tried pushing him away but failed miserably. As soon as i finished my sentence i was suddenly slapped and my cheek began to sting as i knew there would be a red hand print on my cheek.

"Dont forget fag. You're my boy toy, so get used to this treatment." he said as he grabbed my chin and made me look into his eyes before he slammed his lips down onto mine and began kissing me roughly. The halls were empty since the bell had rang a few minutes ago, so it was just Logan and I. I tried so hard to get him away from me but all of my attempts were useless.

Logan bit my lip and made me suddenly gasp as he took that opportunity to slip his tongue into my mouth. Out of the corner of my eye i could see a figure staring at us. I didnt want to believe my eyes but it was Nick that was standing there and watching us with what looked like an angered and slightly saddened expression. I wanted to go to him but with Logan's body pushing my small frame against the locker's i knew i wasn't going to be able to go to him. As Logan broke the kis and began trailing kisses up and down my neck. I called out to Nick just as he began to turn around and walk around the corner.

"Nick........wait!" i said as i pushed Logan off of me, catching him by surprise as i picked up my book bag and dashed down the hall and around the corner. Of course im not as good at running than Logan is but i have enough leg muscle to get me far enough away from Logan. As Nick's back came into sight i sped down the hall and tightly wrapped my arms around his waist from behind. Nick stopped and tensed up as he did so.

"Nick please dont hate me!" i pleaded into his back as i felt tears start to well up in my eyes. Nick turned around slowly and looked down at me with his jaw clenched and his hazel eyes a slightly dark tone than they usually were.

"Why would i do that?" he asked me with a slightly strained tone of voice. I sniffled as a few tears streamed down my face.

"You saw what happened back there. I...i didn't intentionally let him kiss me. He forced it on me!" i said as i explained to him what happened. Nick shrugged and gently pushed me away from him.

"I dont care Ky. Thats not my buisness and i dont want to be apart of it. Anyways im waiting on my GIRLFRIEND, so you need to go to class." he said as he put the emphasis on girlfriend. I knew he had been dating some girl named Aria, so i should have seen the rejection coming. My heart sank to my feet as i just stared into his eyes for a second before wipeing away my tears and putting on a blank face. I quietly walked past him and watched my feet as i did.

Nick stood there without turning to look at me and as soon as i reached the end of the hall way a pretty girl with flowing brown hair and bright blue eye's quickly walked past me called out to him.

"Hey babe! Sorry i'm late!" said the girl as she walked up to him and gave him a tight hug. I stopped and turned to look at the couple. Nick hugged her back and laid a tender kiss on her pink plump lips. A smile was quickly laid on his face as he gazed at the beauty that is his girlfriend.

"It's alright. I didn't mind waiting." he said as he wrapped an arm around her waist and turned in the opposite direction of where i was and started walking off with her. Before the disappeared around a corner Nick turned his attention to me and mouthed something i couldn't hear but i knew how to read lips. I knew what he said and it honestly left me confused and dazed for the rest of the day.

Why had he kissed me if he has girlfriend? Does he even like me? Is he pitying me? I once again asked myself what could have been one-hundred questions throughout the day. His words stuck in my head.

Im sorry.....

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