Junior Year Begins

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~Ky's POV~

"Get up fag!" One of my bullies yelled.

"I don't think I want too." I said back to him. His response to my answer was to kick me in my gut and make me grunt and hold the spot that he kicked me at.

"I said get the fuck up!" He yelled again. I had no choice but to get up with wobbly knees and look him dead in his eyes.

"There I'm up are you happy now?" I asked him as I raised an eyebrow. He punched my nose and sent me flying into the lockers and slidding down to the floor. I held my nose and felt a warm wetness on my hand. I looked at the hand that was holding my nose and it was covered in blood. I tried stopping it with the end of my shirt by holding it up to my nose that seemed to be broken. "No one said for you to speak fag!" He yelled at me. I didn't flinch since I was used to being treated like this. "Yea well no one told you to beat me up but now what are you doing? Beating me up, so since no one told you to beat me up and since no one said that I could speak....I'm guessing that I can speak since you are now beating me up." I smart mouthed back to him which I Immediately regretted. The bully and his friends punched, kicked and called me hurtful things until I almost blacked out. He stopped about 10 minutes after I stopped grunting and moving. There was blood coming out of the corner of my mouth and I had bruises all over my body. The bully and his friends left me lying there on the floor, barely conscious.

It didn't take long for a teacher to find me and take me to the infirmary. The school nurse took car of my wounds and gave my pain relievers to numb all of the bruises I had. By the time I woke up I was in my red and black bedroom at home. I slowly sat up and touched my nose, cringing in pain as it stung and felt like pins and needles were stabbing it. I stopped touching my nose and got up to go and get my razor......the only thing that helps me stay sane in my horrible life.

~Nicks POV~

I watched and laughed as Logan beat the living shit out of this scrawny kid. It was pretty fun joining in and beating him up but I kind of felt bad about it. I mean yea I'm the bad boy and quarter back at school but that doesn't mean that I'm heartless. After 10 minutes of beating the kid up we left him on the floor and walked away to go to lunch. My girlfriend Aria walked up to me and intertwined our fingers as she giggled and smiled up at me. "Hey Babe." She said as she looked at me with her gorgeous blue eyes. "Hello love." I said to her as I kissed her cheek. Honestly Aria and I have been called the cutest couple in school even though we have only been dating for a few months.

"Are you ready for our four month anniversary?" She asked.

I chuckled and nodded. "Yea are you excited?" I asked her. She nodded and giggled. "Very. I wonder what you have planned for us." She said as she took a seat at our usual table by the windows. "Thats for me to know and for you to find out." I said as I sat in front of her. She smiled and leaned over, kissing me gently on the lips. I immediately kissed her back and smiled. We pulled away from each other and started chatting.

Lunch ended fairly quickly and I was bummed because I had science next and none of my friends and Aria are in this class with me. I kissed Aria one more time before I left and headed straight for class. I got to Science on time and took a seat. It took about 5 minutes until the bell rang and class started. My Science Teacher Mrs. Berk spoke up.

"Okay class today I will be giving you a project that you must work on with a partner." She said. The whole class groaned and cussed under their breath. "Quiet!" She yelled and everyone went quiet. "I will be assigning your partners, so keep quiet and listen up!" She said. I sighed and listened to her call out partners . "Saddie with James, Hannah with Margaret, Danny with Willow, Paige with Jay, Zack with Max, and Nick with Ky." She said. I literally froze in place when she said who my partner was. Oh hell to the no! I stood up. "Why do I have to be partnered with that fag!" I yelled. Mrs. Berk looked at me and glared. "Nick sit back down right now and do not call your partner that name!" She yelled back at me. "But why!? What did I do for you to partner me up with Ky!?" I yelled again. "Nick if you don't sit down this instant then I will have no choice but to give you detention!" She yelled. I gave up and sat back down, groaning as I did so. I knew that when she gave us the assignment that I had to go to Ky's house and work on it with him. My worst nightmare has come true and that nightmare is being at a gay boys house most likely alone.

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