Minho Imagine ~ PrincessBunny_Lynn

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~ Lynn's POV ~

It was a hot day, the sun was beating down against my back as I pulled out the weeds from the gardens and replacing them with flowers.

It was nearly time for the doors to close and yet the sun was still burning unbelievably hard.

But that wasn't the worst of my problems. My best friend, Minho, was a runner and he hadn't returned yet. I decided to leave the flowers and go wait for him.

As I walked over to the doors, Minho came running around the corner smiling at me. His shirt soaked with sweat as he stopped in front of me, exhausted.

"Hey." I said casually. "Find anything new in the Maze today?" I asked as he shook his head, standing up straighter.

"Nah. Same old everything." He sighed. "So how are the Gardens?" He asked and I shrugged in reply.

"They're alright." I said, wiping the sweat from my forehead.

"Can I see?" I looked at him confused before turning around and leading him to the garden patch that I was working on just inside the forest.

"Nothing really interesting. As I guess you can see." I turned to Minho to catch him staring at me. "Hey!" I said clicking my fingers in front of his face as he looked down. "What's up?" He shook his head.

"Hey Lynn? Can I tell you something?" I looked to Minho who was staring up at me.

"Uh... Sure. What is it?" I heard Minho take a heavy breath in before sighing it back out.

"I think, I like you Lynn." He looked up at me. "I know I like you. I love you Lynn. To me, you-you're perfect. More than anything or anyone." I stood shocked not knowing what to say.

I'd had a crush on Minho since forever and here he is proclaiming his love to me. I only knew four words to say and before I could comprehend they came out.

"I love you too."

The Maze Runner Preferences/Imagines // COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now